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The Bassman

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Everything posted by The Bassman

  1. Here in central In we're back in the dog days. Highs around 90. Went out early this morning and just pretended it was mid July. Buzzbait and weightless wacky worm made for some memorable action. Three 4 lb. and several 3's. Life is good, fall or not. Just really need some rain. I was walking mud flats that were under a foot or two of water earlier. I thought our fall pattern began earlier this month but somebody knew better.
  2. Our geese would hitch hike before they would migrate on their own. They've become domesticated. Also, just try fishing near them in early spring when they're mating. Flapping your arms and honking at them is more effective than trying to get away. Makes for great entertainment for homeowners looking out their windows, too.
  3. This site showed me two very important things; TSI 321 oil and Yamaha Blue Marine grease.
  4. I don't know about other states but the geese here have more rights than people. If you've ever been around a pond where they congregate the smell is horrible (and hazardous for people with respiratory issues). There's even a trade that specializes in repelling them. You're just not allowed to harm them.
  5. Tom obviously doesn't live in my neck of the woods. Ducks and geese are a year 'round nuisance here.
  6. I know what you mean. It gets so raw that you dread lipping them because you just know they're gonna shake.
  7. Since getting on to a few ponds close by I get out pretty much daily. Some guys unwind with a beer after work. I prefer to wrestle with a few bass. Mellows me a bit before the wife gets home.
  8. Haven't used it but like Smackdown. One thing is constant between lines, though. Strength is dependent on diameter not stated tensile strength. Other variables like abrasion resistance, smoothness, and handling can vary from line to line. That said, Smackdown is very thin and tests close to stated strength. I believe G-Soul is at least if not more pricey. 6 lb. 832 is at least as strong as 10lb. power pro and both are as strong as 20 lb. Smackdown.
  9. One of the most important lessons I've learned this year is to assess conditions and location and focus on a very limited lure selection. When I start jumping from bait to bait my success tanks. True, there might be that one lure and presentation I don't try that really rings the cash register but day in and day out I do best with this approach.
  10. I fully appreciate the benefits of longer rods and their necessity in certain apps but personally prefer rods under 6'6". Lightness, accuracy, and maneuverability in tight places are key to me.
  11. I fish smaller waters such as creeks and retention ponds. This summer has produced the best largemouth fishing I've ever experienced in both size and numbers. I can attribute a lot of this to what I've read on these forums and from a member introducing me to some prime spots. That said, I tend to be very protective of my "honey holes". In reflection though it occurred to me that lots of big fish isn't the essence of our sport. (Did I just say that?). As hard as it is to believe, one can become bored catching 3-5 lbrs. all morning. It gives one pause to open up a little. (maybe)
  12. In central IN the post turnover period (usually early Nov.) can be real good if it's reasonably moderate. We can have 70 degree weather and 30's real close together. It's my favorite time, too. No bugs, little vegetation, little competition. The bass can be quite aggressive. I love to fish moving baits especially lipless.
  13. Will have to try the hard rip method. I've always fished them slow and steady. Used to fish Tiny Torpedos after dark. There's nothing to shake you up like getting hit just a few feet from your rod tip in the dark. I would think that an aggressive retrieve would be best with a little chop on the water.
  14. Wish manufacturers would incorporate some kind of bushing within the threads (like self locking nuts) that would keep things from loosening up. The ocd in me keeps snugging the locking ring and one of these days I'm probably going to break one.
  15. Really appreciate the tip. Can they stand up to walking on pavement?
  16. I set the hook into a pound and a half wad of grass just today. It was solidly hooked. Wish I could say the same for all the bass I've lost. It never hurts to presume that any odd resistance is a fish.
  17. I primarily wet wade small creeks in old sneakers. Tried wading boots but they were just too heavy since I usually walk back. True, they're more surefooted but my slip ups come as often out of the water as in. Water deeper than my knees actually tends to slow my fall and let me catch myself. At 63 it's all becoming more challenging. I don't look forward to the day that I can't do it anymore.
  18. Does that Met handle clear the drag star or did you have to bend something? The Chronarch D series are much sought after. Nice reel.
  19. Nobody said you had to zero the brakes, just back off the tension knob before you open and close the sideplate.
  20. Your tension knob should be adjusted after the sideplate is closed anyhow. It doesn't take much tension to keep the sideplate from locking. Always back it off when accessing the brakes.
  21. When I'm fishing ned in creeks I catch more rock bass (grew up calling them goggle eyes) than smallmouth. They bring fond memories. They're actually pretty good fighters.
  22. Shimano Stradic CI4 can be sourced under 200. Great reel and very light.
  23. Just saw your post so I know it's too late. I'm just a bank walker but I live for this weather. Caught two threes and a four on lipless yesterday. Cranking gives me more control than contact baits in windy weather. I really can't use divers effectively because of bringing the lure from deep to shallow.
  24. An old Fishing Hole program showed Jerry McKinnis fighting what he thought was a big smallmouth on Dale Hollow with Billy Westmoreland. Turned out to be a lawn chair.
  25. The man has a good eye for color! That's coming from a painter.
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