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The Bassman

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Everything posted by The Bassman

  1. Researched it and couldn't find anything. Looking at TW reviews it seems there's a lot of bad experiences with it.
  2. Don't forget to get a knob seal cap also. Shimano only sells black plastic ones BNT 4150. Silver or chrome would look real good but you need to go somewhere like Tackle Trap for that. Also, your part # for the septon knob is BNT 4240 assuming you're left handed when spinning. Right is BNT 4220. I've done this with my Stradics and can't imagine anything better. Tackle Trap also carries the knobs. You have to buy the pair. (Just get another reel. LOL)
  3. Got out this afternoon before the cold front. Fished a large neighborhood lake close to home and had some of my best action of the year. Bass were all over my One Knocker. Wind direction, sun, and location (long narrow cove) concentrated shad and bass. Caught several over 3 with two 5+. The biggest had a large shad sticking out of her mouth. Cant wait to try these sun-ward areas come spring.
  4. Even with things murky and water everywhere I managed a few this afternoon. Nothing big. Checked the long range maps and they show us above normal temps after this week. Global warming is going to have us fishing all year. I remember so many Novembers that were very winter like in the past.
  5. The primary reason I catch and release is the hassle that goes with keeping fish. ( I don't fish from a boat). When I was a kid I brought many a smallmouth home dangling from my bike on a stringer. Easier to c/r then go to Long John Silver's.
  6. I would think that rod would do about anything any baitcaster would do except for heavy flipping, punching, and large swimbaits.
  7. Got out this morning before storms rolled in. Had good action on lipless. You probably know by now that's my favorite presentation. Caught about 20 in 2 1/2 hrs. Three were 3 lbs. or so. Interesting note, I had several followers that I was able to get with a quick toss back. Lots of fun. Storms coming then a cool down but I don't think we're done yet.
  8. Feel is a very subjective topic. That said the equipment you describe seems very well thought out. Two things enhance feel for me. 1. Tackle that is light in weight as possible. 2. A rod that is not "tip heavy". Reel size would not affect sensitivity other than the effect of slightly more weight.
  9. Talking about big wind and storms Sun. Glad my feet are on the ground.
  10. Makes sense that super glue on a hook with a keeper would hold better than what I just described. Thanks @IndianaFinesse. Still think there's a better way to ned with another type of jig. Gotta research that.
  11. I used to do the super glue thing with gopher heads with the lead keeper cut off. Worked OK but I got to where I don't like messing with the glue. The bait still comes loose after several fish and even though it can be reglued when wet it's a PITA.
  12. I use the morel head and it works great except for the keeper. It needs to be sharper. Can't keep the baits stuck. My experience with 'shroom heads is that the hooks are very brittle and break even without corrosion. Still looking for the ideal ned hook. I'm starting to think the whole mushroom thing is unnecessary as I swim rather than jig the bait.
  13. Been a while. Good to hear from you. Can't imagine what was deleted from such a good post.
  14. Funny thing, when I fish with others it seems my mojo goes out the window. When I'm alone I get in the zone and do real well.
  15. Believe it or not @BigBassLoveSenkosit's a large retention pond.
  16. Got on a real good bite yesterday with Booyah One Knocker lipless. Could see shad moving on the surface. As long as I followed the shad I caught fish. I'm curious of your guys experiences with turnover. I thought yesterday's freeze would get it going but obviously not.
  17. I'll generally get McD or something beforehand. I'm on foot so I don't carry much. If I get on a good bite I'll often stay out too long until I get loopy from not eating. I more than make up for it afterwards, though. I'll frequently stop at Steak'n Shake. Not the best nutrition, I know.
  18. I've got an Aldebaran 50 that I changed out the knobs. The old PG II knobs are much more comfortable to me. I even use them on my Stradics. Makes all my reels feel the same in my hands.
  19. A body at rest tends to stay at rest and a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Now there's a physics lesson to apply with winter coming.
  20. Much appreciated.
  21. How do I embed a member's name within a post without embedding their whole post? Saw it one time and forgot.
  22. Anybody having trouble getting bit this week? Easy to blame turnover but I don't think it's happening yet.
  23. Two points well made. I get lazy checking braid and 30 lb. Smackdown is real thin, closer to other's 15. I had this particular lure ( a #5 Rippin' Rap) on for several fish. The line was clearly fuzzed at the break.
  24. I go back and forth on the whole leader issue. Since I haven't been wading creeks lately most of my fishing doesn't involve abrasion issues. That said, I got cut off of about a three pounder on 30 lb. Smackdown. No knot failure, just mouth abrasion I believe because the line is so soft. A good hard mono leader gives a bit of peace of mind but on the flip side it's nice not having to think about your terminal knots failing.
  25. My hat's off to any grade school kid that can throw a baitcaster with any proficiency. I know I probably couldn't have even if I had today's equipment. But then I never got the hang of catching a fly ball.
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