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The Bassman

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Everything posted by The Bassman

  1. Amen to that. I've got arthritis in my thumbs and it makes baitcasting difficult anyway. I spin fish much more than baitcast.
  2. Depends on how they're cooked. Seriously, I think size, presentation, and color based on water clarity are what really matters.
  3. I don't think it makes much difference with today's lighter spools. Personally, I cast with a sidearm roll cast motion and use rods under 6'6". I don't focus on handle position. Just don't stand to the right of me. lol
  4. Good point. I don't know how many times I've stressed that one should shop diameter, not stated strength. Then consider physical characteristics of a given product.
  5. Finally got a couple fatties. They hit a spinnerbait close to the bank just five minutes apart. Also, never mind the cold. It must be spring because I just had my first run in with a goose. No warning, just swooped down out of the air and meant business. One slap with my rod and flapping my "wings" and I managed to stay out of trouble.
  6. Every year's different. Some years like 2012 they were in full swing in early April. Our weather might be cold but the sun angle and daylight hours don't change. A few nice days and these fish will catch up real fast. Really cuts into our pre spawn bite window. Can't make excuses, though. @Team9nine and @IndianaFinesse catches em no matter what.
  7. Anybody catch tonight's April Fool episode? Bill Dance and Mark Zona joined in. It was a hoot.
  8. I run it through my lips more times than a granny threading a sewing needle.
  9. To quote Fred G. Sanford; "Who you calling old?"
  10. And I thought that I was the only one who had trouble feeding line through the guide, especially braid that's fuzzed a little on the end.
  11. Mine is a play off of an old Seinfeld episode.
  12. I've been using it on my medium spinning setup lately. It's more visible than green. Actually a combination of blue and white. Like @Scott F said it helps me differentiate from other spools. Really don't notice any bleed just the usual fade.
  13. I've said it before, as much as I love my baitcasters I'm finding my spinning rigs to be much more practical. There's definitely a place for baitcasting gear. In my applications baitcasters are toys to be tinkered with but spinners are tools to get the job done.
  14. That's plenty of distance. I think a lot of guys don't really know how far they're casting and tend to overestimate. BTW I think I would change out that weight for a practice plug. One wrong pull when it's stuck in the grass and you're out a tooth or possibly an eye.
  15. I've actually had two rods (not high end) modified by cutting to the first guide and replacing it with a new tip guide. Made the rods less tip heavy. That said, rods have a taper that's engineered to their length. Such changes interrupt the rod's flow and make them a bit clubby.
  16. Just quoting some idiot who thought this snow was going to be a non-event.
  17. Thought he closed that site (Big Indiana Bass) a couple of years ago. Thanks for the heads-up.
  18. Latest word is just for a big slushee. Strange spring. One day walking in the sunshine catching bass. The next watching traffic reports to see where all the wrecks are.
  19. What he said. I'm primarily a Shimano user but I hear nothing but good things about these. I think they're going around 140.00 now. Still a good deal considering they retail 200.00.
  20. Doug Stange did an article in In Fisherman about this very thing a while back. Thanks for reminding me. Could have bailed me out of some slow days.
  21. I thought they felt real good in the store. I just don't have a lot of confidence with the SS guides.
  22. That's a tall order given your time frame and our weather forecast. Wish I could help.
  23. I use denatured alcohol from my painting stuff. Cleans real good and dries immediately so will not dissolve any filler.
  24. Sure looking forward to my first smallie of the season. Streams look good right now. I think that's going to change, though. Weather service is calling for a wet pattern. I'll never forget this week six years ago when we had a string of eighty degree days. I was wet wading and catching smallmouth on March 21! That's the summer when we had so many 100 degree days and no rain for almost eight weeks.
  25. Homer Circle had a campy wit that's never been duplicated. I always liked his reference that "the fish knew but weren't talking."
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