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The Bassman

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Everything posted by The Bassman

  1. Glad to see some success for you. You had me worried that you were giving up earlier. Neighborhood looks familiar. I paint all over Indy.
  2. Should we fish em or leave em alone and focus on other species for now? Just curious what everyone thinks.
  3. Ordered some of the hooks mentioned above and they recommend jumping two sizes.
  4. I'm on foot and have no way of keeping fish unless I stop right then and leave. Crawfish and turtles serve a purpose.
  5. There's a neat trick that I've used with gut hooked singles. It involves reaching in through the gills and pulling the line through to orient the hook in such a way that the point will come straight out with long nose pliers or better yet surgical forceps. Trebles tangled in a fish's gills are another matter.
  6. I thought about the balance issue. These particular hooks are one size larger than stock so the weight is pretty close. Actually, I've been fishing these baits with the larger trebles for some time with no problems. It is one reason though why I don't want to arbitrarily do it to all my baits yet.
  7. Have given some serious thought concerning my treble hook baits after mortally gill hooking a nice bass this past weekend. I modified one of my Ripp'n Raps and took it for a test drive. Caught several including this good one with none getting loose. Notice that even the barbs are crimped. I'm not quite ready to change out all my lures but it is something to consider.
  8. Really think it's time to put this thread to rest.
  9. Before I got into maintaining my reels properly I thought I was an accomplished caster. It's amazing what clean bearings and spool shaft will do to humble you.
  10. Did a carbon copy redux today. One was a little better than 5. Gill hooked a three lbr. real bad. I know it's just a fish but I hate to do that. @Team9nine has an article on his blog about going barbless. I pinched down my hooks on my lipless and really didn't notice any less success staying pinned. Something to consider.
  11. I'm starting to think I've created a monster with this topic. Had no idea it would go this long.
  12. I want to hear about all the fish you caught.
  13. Finally caught the pre spawn bite big time this afternoon. Caught a couple dozen with nearly half over three lbs. and a couple nearly five. Fish were chasing bait to the bank. Also, with the water warming it's nice to feel a decent fight. Enough with sluggish cold water bass.
  14. Really appreciate this info. I don't care what the other guys say, there's just something that sticks in my head and takes my mind off fishing when a big, stupid bird comes after me. I'll be glad when it warms up and I can get back in the creeks. Snakes just get out of the way.
  15. What's more fun than bare hairy legs and a bunch of shiners tugging at you?
  16. The essence of midwest finesse fishing (ned rigging) is not bottom contact but rather a slow almost drifting retrieve. I use primarily the smaller (1/15-1/16) heads when stream fishing. Heavy current may call for slightly heavier. @Team9ninewill hopefully chime in as he is an authority on this.
  17. Would be as funny as George when the hawk came after him.
  18. Any other bank walkers having trouble with aggressive geese? I always heard you should stand them down and act like a bigger goose. Then I did a little reading and learned just the opposite. Just back away but don't turn away. Supposedly they rarely attack. Any opinions?
  19. I want to be cool like Andrew Luck. I just don't navigate well on a smart phone. I'm a relic.
  20. I don't care for the EVA knobs that came with them. The handle on the 1000 seems a little short, too. That's a 2500 handle with a left handed (BNT 4240) knob. Hard to tell by my flip phone camera pic.
  21. It was a lot of fun. Landing was a bit of a challenge. The hooks were outside of its lower lip. I've got a gadget that I wear on my lipping thumb called Fisherman's Thumb. Saves a lot of wear and tear on good numbers days. You have to be careful when releasing, though because it acts like velcro and can go with the fish if you're not careful.
  22. Got a surprize this afternoon. Was cranking my Rippin' Rap when my phone rang and I let the lure flutter down. Then this happened. (Didn't answer the call). Sorry for the rotten pic but cats don't lay flat like bass.
  23. The occasional times I use a leader I like the Alberto as well. My biggest issue with it, though is keeping my reverse loops nested between my first set. I'm sure I mess it up but the knot seems strong and compact nonetheless.
  24. Heard we're going right back in this cold pattern after Sat. storms. I don't ever remember the cold being this persistent and I'm almost 64.
  25. I have some Cabela's Pro Guide spinning rods (discontinued) and have been very impressed. They were around forty bucks but fish much above that.
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