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The Bassman

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Everything posted by The Bassman

  1. Two questions: Any effect on lure action and any loss of hooking efficiency? I love blade baits but hate untangling my lure every other cast. I use straight braid which is quite limp and creates the problem.
  2. Took advantage of some real nice weather today and caught several on a small marabou jig including this 3 lbr. Foul hooked a bigger one on a blade bait but didn't take pic because he (she) doesn't count. As slow as I was fishing I have to believe the fish took a swipe at it and got hooked in the side. I keep hoping I can keep this up all winter. Years past this would never happen in Indiana
  3. I'm fortunate to have access to a few HOA lakes (I bank fish) that have a shad forage base. I've caught bass close to six lbs. from them. Have to believe there's a real big one waiting for me to post here some time. I agree that most ponds I fish with a bluegill forage base are limited in their potential to produce bass much over four lbs. Edit: Hope OP will excuse me for deviating from topic. @WRB's quote brought the thought to mind. Most of my better fish come on smaller baits because that's what I primarily use. Go figure.
  4. I believe most premium reel oils are synthetic. I use TSI 321 which is synthetic.
  5. I remember our discussion about this rod recently. Make sure to tell us how it works for you.
  6. I decide to upgrade because it's snowing outside and everybody's having sales.
  7. Took a hint from some members recently about the discontinued Sub Wart. Bought a few on e-bay in the small 4 size. Definitely a light tackle lure but a real blast on pond bass.
  8. I'm pretty much open on the southeast side. The rain tonight and tomorrow will finish off everything else I would think. I'm doing a tropical dance(?) that we'll stay open. Thirty years ago I would have been hopping mad that the ice left. Funny what age does to you.
  9. Been waiting for almost two weeks to get back out. Finally got rid of the ice today and got out briefly after some rain just before sundown. Only had about 45 min. but managed a couple on a 3" wacky Senko. Both were about this size. Not real big but a lot of fun in mid Dec. in Indiana. I'm planning to get out Sun. and have time to really focus.
  10. Owner blockheads are my go to for ned rigging. They have a 1/32 version that helps keep the bait off the bottom so less snags. A light head and buoyant plastic helps to fish the bait properly. You're not jigging but rather swimming the lure. If wind makes control an issue I usually use a small blade bait. Those you can snag no matter what you do but they are effective.
  11. Funny thing is that I spent years casting mono and not braid because I was afraid of trashing twenty dollar a spool line. Finally switched and don't want to go back to mono. I do actually have two outfits spooled with mono for treble hook lures because it fouls hooks less. Mono also feels smoother when you're retrieving and I like that with crankbaits. Topwater and contact baits get braid.
  12. Weather forecast is encouraging. I'm noticing the ice on ponds is already getting dark. I'm guessing it was still under two in. even with a full week of teens and twenties. Hoping to get back at it this weekend after the rain. Anybody else have plans?
  13. Remember this past Jan. when we were in the minus teens? I was fishing open water less than 3 acres by months end. I actually stood on the bank as half the pond which had refroze the night before broke free and passed in front of me. It was like waiting on a slow train. That was Jan. 31 and I caught a few that afternoon. This was the first year I can remember catching bass in each month.
  14. Glad you're on here. We've lost a few guys since I've been here. (That didn't sound good, did it?) I love hearing local guys' experiences and find it beneficial. I'm still fishing locally and can't wait for the weather to warm up next week. I hope the ice doesn't get a toehold in the meantime.
  15. Have to think that the Aldebarans are the smallest, under 5 oz. I have an Ald 50 and it feels almost too small. Guys are using them for heavier apps, though.
  16. That's a good sized lake. I bet they were biting somewhere. A body of water like that requires a measure of research and likely a boat. I fish from the bank but in small lakes. Fishing's been pretty good here in IN. Just being out is worth something and having other interests helps I'm sure.
  17. 7/8 will handle everything from small panfish flies to moderate sized bass bugs and streamers. Big bulky stuff is a challenge even at that weight. If you want to use bigger stuff be sure to go with 8 wt. Before you pull the trigger check out Cabelas. They seem to always have deals on fly combos and they come ready to fish. Good luck.
  18. Are we talking spinning or casting? I can't help but sense that the OP isn't quite into specifics such as lengths and actions. A reasonable quality spinning outfit can be had for under 100.00. If budget allows a medium light and a medium action rod would cover a lot of applications. If baitcasting is preferred one should get as good quality as they can afford. Cheap casting tackle isn't as forgiving as budget spinning.
  19. You'll have no issues with the guides. Go with the higher line weight for bass fishing. It's a fun and largely overlooked technique. also, don't scrimp on line. A quality weight forward line is almost as expensive as the outfit.
  20. I used to just assume that early Nov. was it until next March. It's all a head game. I caught a few on a wacky Senko this afternoon. Just fished slower. The wind was an issue, though. Granted, I fish from shore so I can imagine boat control is a real challenge. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice but windy again. I'm going for it because next week is supposed to get cold again.
  21. One of the most skilled members on here is @Team9nine. Follow his blog and you'll see that's all he's talking about lately. It's all for fun. I'd fish more for crappie except that I walk small lakes where they're not as available.
  22. That's why I got married the second time.
  23. I use a lot of smaller cranks so the split rings are tiny. They get swapped out for VMC 00 crank snaps. My eyes can't hardly see the split section and tying there is an accident waiting to happen.
  24. I think Godzilla would be fine on less than that.
  25. One aggressive bluegill!
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