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The Bassman

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Everything posted by The Bassman

  1. Call Shimano 877-577-0600.
  2. I like this approach. Don't get all hung up on specific #'s of resistance. You develop a sense of what's "just right". I get a kick out of reel promos that boast of double digit drags. Total nonsense.
  3. You've got lots to choose from. I fish Shimano Stradic CI4's but at your price point I'm impressed by Daiwa's LT platform (Fuego 2500LT on e-bay under 80.00). I fish banks, too and am most comfortable with rods under 6'6" in varying powers according to technique. I've actually been pleased in the past with modestly priced Cabela's house brands. You'll get plenty of suggestions here but most guys will try to steer you to something longer. Most important to me is that it's not tip heavy. I don't like to buy rods without handling them first. Like you a lot of my past experience was line watching for cats, etc. Bass fishing (for me) makes for a much more entertaining, interactive pursuit. Welcome to the forums and enjoy. There's no turning back. LOL
  4. In spite of temps right at freezing I managed a few yesterday and today. Gotta say though that this winter stuff is getting a little old. I'm getting anxious for warmer weather and light jackets. I do think we're past much threat of icing up again except for maybe skim ice. That's something to be happy about.
  5. Check E-Bay and you'll see that E's are going for quite a bit more than 75-80. I think they're overrated and I owned several. FWIW I found the G to actually be smoother. It took a real hosing because of poor marketing by Shimano.
  6. Well thought out post. One thing I like about this site is the broad spectrum of its users; not just tackle junkies but everything from complete beginners on up. To dis a spincast user is a real quick way to chase someone away. It's about enjoying fishing, not impressing people.
  7. SK Zero is actually Z-Man's Zinkerz. Big TRD is slightly shorter and thicker with less salt. Sink rate changes as salt is dissolved. Eventually they float and need weight to keep them down. Your worm hook is probably heavy enough with the TRD but I've found that with a 1/16 wacky jig head my Zinkerz just hang at the surface. They're really porous. Takes 'em forever to dry out, too.
  8. Starting to catch a few again. Got six tuesday and seven this afternoon. A lot of ponds still have ice but I was getting them today right off the edge. Nothing big, 12-15". I've been using a ned rigged Z-Man finesse worm. Still hoping for an early spring.
  9. It cost me my first job painting apartments because fishing was more fun.
  10. Chronarch MGL is not really a finesse reel. All the reels mentioned are great. Just depends on one's price point.
  11. Strike King Red Eye Shad and Rapala Rippin' Rap.
  12. Have had to wait nearly a month but got out a little this afternoon as a front was blowing through. Actually, did pretty well with six fair sized bass. We're on a temperature roller coaster here lately. Spring is coming. The ground hog said so.
  13. Low to mid grade composite reels flex under load. It doesn't take much to bind gears enough to compromise smoothness and power transfer. SLX has replaced that model.
  14. I guess my first wife was right when she called me a snake.
  15. A bass isn't smart enough to know that a big meal is going to last him longer. Winter bass aren't as aggressive as they are in warmer water so smaller stuff moving slow makes it easier for them.
  16. I believe the PQ's are Korean Doyo's (same as several others). Personally, I would stick with what you got seeing as they can be had for just a little more on E-Bay.
  17. I've mentioned this in related threads. Your index finger is the answer to line management issues with spinning reels. Once the bail is open use your finger to feather the line during the cast to control flow. Then close the bail with said finger and start retrieving in one fluid motion. Leave your finger pointing down to brush the line during each rotation. This keeps slight tension on the spool. Exception would be for lures like soft plastics where you would leave the bail open as the lure is dropping.
  18. That's the way a BC is supposed to work. Don't quite understand your spinning description, though. When you loosen a spinning reel's drag all the way you're starting to remove the spool. Should be completely loose and unusable (assuming it's a front drag).
  19. I have had two pairs. They get dull just like the rest. Right now I'm using 3.00 Ozark Trail cheapies from Wal Mart. They work just fine.
  20. I've been looking that brand over for a while. (Really don't need more rods but the temptation is always there). They look really good. I believe that's the same reel seat that's on top of the line St. Croix. I personally need to handle rods before I buy them but for the price it may be worth the gamble.
  21. It's at the top of the list. Just search Shimano SLX reel.
  22. Just noticed Shimano SLX going for under 69.00 on the bay.
  23. I was referring to spool bearings. Never soak an AR bearing in acetone. Yours has either been over lubed at some point or is in need of replacing. Try soaking it in Simple Green first and let it dry. Very lightly rub an oiled Q-Tip around the inside. If it still slips, change it. Not sure the part # but it probably cross references with several B platform reels of the same time including US stuff. Google Ole Dad's Tackle in Conroe TX and give them a call. They stock a lot of older parts for Shimano.
  24. Seems like you'd run out of rocks in a month and a half.
  25. Three inches of rain should do the trick.
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