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The Bassman

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Everything posted by The Bassman

  1. Found this one on e-bay last year for around 150.00.
  2. JDM Shimano Zodias 64ml2. Absolute joy to use.
  3. Too bad to see other guys noticing the same things I have. Our one store in Greenfield is always deserted and the Castleton store closed last year supposedly because of a zoning issue. Camping World wanted to display RV's. Would agree with @slonezpas to their future.
  4. My daily chorus: "There I got bit!......aannd now he bit me. About that time the ducks close by are quacking and it sounds like they're laughing at me.
  5. In my experience wind knots happen when I force my casts. I bank fish and frequently push for distance. Others have mentioned that the distance lost by not forcing (snap casting) is really minimal. The OCD in me tends to forget this.
  6. Probably close to five. By your dog's expression it might look like a big pork chop.
  7. Depending on how you define a creek anything over 6'6" might be a bit cumbersome. Also, I stick with my modest priced stuff because creek fishing (as you stated) can be rough on gear. I've got some discontinued Cabela's Pro Guides that are light and serve well. There's lots of good stuff in the 50-100.00 range. I find that name brands tend to not have many shorter choices.
  8. It was a May 19 thread "Summer Gloves". Don't know how to link it. I used the search box.
  9. I wear open palm Simms fingerless. They're feather light so you don't know you have them on. One thing of note, though. Another thread on the subject included the question why wear them when most of us are wearing short sleeve shirts, anyway. Good point. They do give you that "he knows what he's doing" look. lol
  10. Wealth of info! These are things I see every day but presented here in a very beneficial way. The deep edge weedline has been my fish "factory" this summer, exception being the sudden bursts of bass chasing bait to the bank. Of course, it always happens as I'm just retrieving a long cast.
  11. Follow @Team9nine and you'll see he uses pretty much one thing and catches more bass than most of us. This summer my pockets have been my tackle box a good deal of the time.
  12. Seems to be the case with me, also. This might sound like a plug for the site, but since joining my catch rate has gone way up, hence more incidents. One thing that helps is to fish more soft plastics so I don't have to deal with trebles.
  13. Bought one of these last year and caught a few with it. Main problem is keeping the prop clean. One piece of grass and everything stops. Ploppers are the same way except you don't expect them to be weedless.
  14. I have three Shimano Zodias that are everything I could want in a spinning rod and are comfortable enough. That said, I also have three older Cabela's Pro Guides with palm swell hump reel seats that fit me like a glove (not oven mitt). They get the most use.
  15. Mine get used for ponds and the front yard.
  16. Welcome to the 1980's. Reels were 8-10 oz. and guys were chucking 1/2-3/4 oz. spinnerbaits. Hank Parker still does.
  17. I've got a Loomis 722c GL3 and 723c IMX. I also slightly (1.5") shortened the handles and added a nice butt cap. Wonderful, timeless rods.
  18. Fishing on foot as I do sometime makes long casts necessary. The mechanical advantage of short casts is moot if I can't get the lure where I want it.
  19. He's apt to be holding a big cat as he is a bass or walleye.
  20. Gorgeous creek. Made for wading.
  21. Indiana holds the world record of 3 lbs. caught by a 7 yr. old in 1969. Seems this species doesn't get much love around this forum. They're some of my fondest childhood memories when I would camp and fish on creek banks with my dad. I find them to be quite aggressive and decent fighters in the creeks I fish. Don't recall anything different from other fish as far as making a mess.
  22. At that stage they are more fingerling than fry and are growing fast (if they don't get eaten). A lot depends on the particular body of water. Not sure when they would be catchable. Probably 2-3 yrs(?).
  23. BPS has a 7" Sticko. I've heard other guys say they're not too different from Yamamoto.
  24. I bought one bag of max scent Generals on clearance and couldn't wait to use them up. Fish or no fish, I can't stand the smell.
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