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The Bassman

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Everything posted by The Bassman

  1. I remember as a kid hearing my dad go on about a new miracle lure called a spoonplug that was guaranteed to work every time. He had no grasp of what was to be the foundation of modern structure fishing.
  2. Enjoyed the original opening song where a bunch of chores were named that needed doing.
  3. I've had a bit of success with that bait. Do you swim or jig it?
  4. Actually the dog was prettier. I try to make friends with the homeowners on these ponds because I'm not even supposed to be there. I park in common areas like clubhouse lots and walk a lot. Would never park in front of or near someone's house.
  5. Exactly what I do. Was gonna mention it but thought you guys would laugh.
  6. I used it to sew a hole in a pocket in my fishing shorts. Problem is that I don't know how to sew.
  7. Probably need more wraps with lighter line. The few times I used it I did 10-12 on light braid. My biggest problem was the finish unravelling. Never bothered to try the Rizuto. Pretty much fish with straight braid. Good luck.
  8. Hemingway would have been proud.
  9. Looking up at the back of a house and talking with a lady about her friendly St. Bernard as I walked into the pond.
  10. Shimano baitcasting drive shafts (Tranx being an exception) are all 7mm. In that regard all handles would fit. Swept handles in recent years do pose a problem for older straight drag stars. Sometimes a spacer (available from some aftermarket manufacturers) will allow clearance. I have a Basszone handle on my Curado 100B that's made to clear the drag star. Wasn't too expensive either.
  11. I'm a Shimano FB but what confuses me about Lews is how aggressive they have been in the baitcast dept. But IMHO have lagged behind in spinning. They're flagship reel is 130.00 and over 9 oz. They could jump right in to the mid/higher level and sell a lot of reels. I know this strays from the op's question but has just always left me wondering.
  12. My wife thinks I'm nuts, especially now because I'm fishing with "the crud".
  13. Great post! I still don't know how you keep from icing up. 31* and I can't cast or retrieve without warming up my tip every other cast.
  14. Start printing a lot of money.
  15. Seems like real good info for fluoro guys. I fish straight braid (very thin this time of year) with light wire VMC crankbait snaps. Yesterday I foul hooked a fairly large (8-9 lbs.) carp on a #5 Rippin Rap and handled it on 6 lb. braid with no problems. Gotta think that the characteristics of braid might be more compatible (I hope) with these snaps.
  16. Speaking from experience, braid is the hands down winner with spinning tackle. I use casting gear less but it seems to be a toss up there. Leaders help in the abrasion dept. and for some it's a confidence thing with visibility. Also, it saves money in that you don't keep shortening the braid when retying; just redo the leader much less often. All that said, I fish straight braid since most of my fishing is in water lacking hard cover. I also use a small snap for most of my lures so it reduces line waste.
  17. That's really impressive. Does seem to reinforce the cost vs. value argument. I fish braid straight/no leader so over time it gets shortened. Wouldn't be such a good deal for me.
  18. That's because it is. At .162mm it's pretty much everybody's USDM 10 lb. I'm sure it's real smooth but at better than 35.00 for 120m, I'll pass.
  19. Just keep in mind that line strength is directly in proportion to diameter. JDM 10 lb. is just that. USDM 10 might in fact be greater than 20 lb. because it's thicker. Gliss is so thin because it's way under its stated ABS. I'll look forward to your findings. I know that 4 carriers aren't as popular, but Fins Windtamer has a 4 lb. that I use that has an ABS in the teens and casts great. It's been my go to for winter presentations.
  20. I've started using a 00 VMC crankbait snap on my jig heads. I know it goes against common thinking but I haven't noticed any drop in productivity. I don't use fluoro but it would make sense that whatever knot you use wouldn't be as subject to fatigue as a direct tie.
  21. That would be a perfect eater. My last few times ice fishing I started releasing my fish. Then it occurred to me how silly it must look putting fish back in the hole. So I quit ice fishing. (Really because of the cold). I open water fish in the 30's but standing still in single digit weather lost its luster with age.
  22. I bank fish but when it's windy enough to bow my line and hop my lure across the surface, well that's too windy. Actually, like @Bluebasser86 mentioned some of my best bites are when it's real windy. I just have to try to orient myself as best I can. Some of the best action is on the windward side, though.
  23. I don't think you could make a better choice. I have a last gen Ald 50 on an older 2 power IMX and it's absolutely perfect. It's definitely smaller than the Curado.
  24. I use the Owner inlines on some of my lures and agree that the #6 is still too big for a #3 or 5 Rapala. What I do is just go up a size with the trebles and cut off the two hooks that would face wrong.
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