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The Bassman

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Everything posted by The Bassman

  1. Nice bass. Most of my fishing is in neighborhood lakes. Some can really produce. Let me also welcome you here.
  2. You,ve clearly had a rough go since all those neat river smallmouth posts. Look forward to seeing them again.
  3. Refill your spool as @A-Jayrecommended. I like to fill my spools about 3/4 full with whatever I have that's cheap or old then top shot with my braid. Spool it fairly tight then see if your line lay is level. Then if you need to adjust washers it's not as simple as mentioned on Daiwas. There's a very small clear o-ring on the main shaft that (for me) is a challenge to take off and replace. Some guys just tear it off. It only serves to retain the washers if you tip the reel down with the spool off. Your pic doesn't convince me that your line lay is off, just loose and unmanaged. I keep my line snug by holding my index finger down so that it makes light contact with the line as I retrieve.
  4. Tackle Tour. More of an enthusiast forum. More practical info here, though.
  5. Thanks for waking this thread up. We've got a few guys (myself included) that could keep the ball rolling. I got out yesterday afternoon and really struggled until about 4:00. Got on a good bite and caught seven in about 45 min. Biggest was about 2.5# but definitely bailed out a tough afternoon.
  6. And lest we forget, the one-eyed Sammy that outfished any spook you ever threw.
  7. I use a small piece of electrical tape so I can grab an outfit and give it a spin when I'm bored and can't fish.
  8. Don't know what I was thinking. FL is the new metal Stradic. Shimano's site doesn't show schematics for FJ anymore. ereplacement parts might be your best choice. Good luck. Edit: I guess they do still have it. Didn't see FJ's mixed in with FK schematics. Eyes are getting old.
  9. If that's an FL (the last white Stradic) the part's available from Shimano. 877-577-0600. Guessing it's a 2500 or 3000. Part would be RD 20037. Talk to a rep and he'll make sure if that's right. Parts are discontinued on older versions. E- Replacement Parts online is also a good source.
  10. My concern is that it's old stock. It's probably OK but mono will degrade in bright light over time. I say all this because I don't think Sufix has produced it for a while. I heard good things about it on other forums, though.
  11. Been catching fish on and off all winter here. Caught one just shy of 4# last weekend. I'm getting tired of the novelty of winter open water fishing at this point, though. I'm optimistic that we're going to have an early spring. Traditionally in central IN early March gives us our first shot. Recent years have clearly shown a trend away from the longer winters in the past.
  12. Have you ever seen the commercial of the dentist and his assistant looking at the x-ray of the patient's back pocket? Dr. comments that "it's all going to have to come out".
  13. I remember buying an Aglia long and a snap ruler from Sheldon's years ago (early 70's).
  14. I looked forward to them years ago, pre internet when they showed all the specs and options.
  15. When I think of French spinners Mepps comes to mind. I use them with some success. Like the way they start up but you have to retrieve slow or they want to rise.
  16. And he always closed by saying "So long and good luck with your fishing".
  17. A carpenter once told me it's not how long or how hard you work but what you get done that matters. I've gotten a lot of fishing done over the years.
  18. I haven't used them in a good while but I do remember that an under a buck Beetle Spin works for anyone old enough to cast a lure. If I'm not mistaken they originated in your neck of the woods.
  19. Can't speak from experience. @Bass_Fishing_Socal might chime in on this. FWIW Asian Portal Fishing has the MGL 70's for under 120.00. That's a steal. Bait Monkey has been talking in my ear but I really don't need another bc. I've bought from them recently and they're a very good source.
  20. Get to my age and you realize that's an exercise in futility. I do think that with your concern for being considerate you'd be well received.
  21. In Fisherman article mentioned that bass see chartreuse as white. I'd think that would apply to yellow as well.
  22. At those depths with baits to 3/4 oz. I would think the Zodias would be preferable. I spin fish with them and they are very sensitive.
  23. One of my best bites on a Pop-R years ago came when I was burning it in for another cast. Caught several good fish in a short time. Since then I always give it a try. Lure comes through the water looking like a billfish teaser. It's a real rush getting bit at your feet. Doesn't work more often than it does.
  24. I fish smaller lakes and ponds. Give me a bright day with a SW breeze, above 50*,mid/late afternoon. I'll head to the windward side and usually the fun starts real fast.
  25. Temp in the 70's would definitely be a "fluke" here. Drove around looking for open water this afternoon.
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