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The Bassman

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Everything posted by The Bassman

  1. You're one who really understands this stuff. Don't you just shake your head when this guy keeps complaining that his lure is going left. A near empty spool tends to cause that. He should check his IPT also. Maybe 12-14" lol.
  2. I looked at a lot of nets. I'm fishing on foot and walking a lot. Nets are cumbersome and little trout nets really aren't adequate.
  3. I did an unscientific test with some VMC crankbait snaps. They open up way under their stated strength. I still use them but keep that in mind when I'm deadlifting a fish by the line. (I have a knee issue that makes it difficult to crouch and lip a fish). Fish over 4 lbs. get lipped even though it hurts.
  4. Nobody's gonna mention the Blues Brothers when they had hits like Rubber Biscuit?
  5. I'm fortunate in that I walk HOA lakes. In the past month I've seen maybe a total of five people fishing and they were residents just a stone's throw from their house. This past weekend I enjoyed some of the best action so far catching at least 75-80 with several over 3lb. and one 5.37. We all want this pandemic to go away but at least I'm able to immerse myself in what I love (besides my wife lol).
  6. Bought an Ambassadeur 2500C back in the mid 70's. Really didn't appreciate how fine a reel it was at the time and never mastered it. Think I sold it at a pawn shop.
  7. @Bluebasser86it's really nice that your whole family enjoys fishing together. Makes for a real good way to divert attention from the current situation. I like to tell people that I'm obeying our governor's directive by going fishing as much as I can. I call it my "mandatory fishing furlough".
  8. Sounds like you might be in SW Indiana.
  9. Welcome to the forums. Most states are in need of game wardens. Pay is low and it can be dangerous but guys (and gals) that do it love it.
  10. I had presumed that someone released it but after some thought came up with a more likely solution. The pond is 14 yrs. old. When it was filled it was stocked with largemouth, bluegill, crappie, and channel cats. Walleye fry have in the past been stocked in huge numbers in some of our reservoirs. I'm just guessing that a few may have slipped into the truck with the other species. Fourteen years would probably coincide with the fish being 7 lb. The one thing I don't understand is how such a predator evaded capture in a two acre pond. Have to think that anyone else would have kept it.
  11. Very well said. There's so much info, so many things one can buy that it justs fosters confusion and frustration. I find myself guilty of this frequently even though I've been fishing for many years and have developed a measure of skill.
  12. I've used the #5 a lot. It's been very productive for me both with a straight or yo yo retrieve. Been giving it a rest lately as I've been doing real well with a MB Darksleeper. I mention the other bait to make the point that a lure's effectiveness requires that I'm using it. Sounds silly I know but nails down the fact that in a lot of instances the best bait is the one we're focusing on. Too many lures, so little time.
  13. I have an Ald 50 with the same handle as the Curado 70. My problem wasn't the 84mm handle but rather the tiny knobs. I upgraded to full size Shimano knobs and the handle feels much "beefier".
  14. Doubtless loaded with eggs. Nice bass.
  15. Line companies would do better to show dia. and not lb. test. Stated break strength is at best inaccurate. Diameters are off too but still a better gauge of strength. One company's 10 lb. might be anothers' 20.
  16. Didn't have a tape but made a rough guess by measuring my rod at home, 26-27", probably off a bit.
  17. Set out to walk and fish a couple of my usual HOA lakes. Had some real good bass action but this took the cake. I would have never thought I would have encountered a walleye around here let alone one that weighed 7.04 lb. It hit a MB Dark Sleeper and is the case with most of my bass took it fairly deep. Fish was released in good shape. I'm guessing that it was put in by one of the residents. Ponds around here just don't get stocked with walleye.
  18. I'm walking HOA lakes like I normally do. Caught a bunch yesterday. The nice thing about it is that most of the residents don't fish and are just out walking, biking, etc.
  19. Had this happen to my card back in Nov. Got a text and e-mail asking if I attempted two charges to a dating service. Bank locked the card right away. No more magnet strip scanning. All chip readers from now on.
  20. Hope Ned doesn't know all the words to the song cause ole Jim Walker was big and dumb as a man could come.
  21. Shimano 3000 is the same size as 2500, just deeper spool. I can't imagine your CI4+ being junk, though. I've got 4 older FA's and they're great, maybe not as refined as the FB's. Every FB I handled was smooth as glass. Any reel you asked about is going to be crazy smooth.
  22. Certainly there's more than one good terminal braid knot. I mentioned my preference. We've addressed this before and I'm a bit surprised that nobody (unless I missed it) has said that the best knot is the one that suits you best as long as it's properly tied.
  23. I stay barbed on my single hooks but smash down my trebles. I've found that the shape of KVD Triple Grips hold real well and they're sticky sharp.
  24. Fishin' Fool knot which is a two eye loop uni. Hasn't failed me yet.
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