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The Bassman

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Everything posted by The Bassman

  1. Or change a bait that's working to see if something else works better.
  2. I use both for the occasional times I use a leader. I find them both plenty strong (never mind the strength lists with other knots like FG). Uni-uni is easier for me but definitely louder through the guides. What I do like about the Alberto is that even though the leader tag faces forward it can be cut flush without concern of unraveling, so less noise. Just be careful not to nip the braid.
  3. Word got around after that 8 lbr.
  4. I've been using a bladed jig a lot lately after a stretch of doing so well on my small blade baits. I'm getting more convinced that the best lure is the one you're keying on. This stout girl came on a Z-Man Mini Max with a short worm trailer. No need for paddle tails. The blade gives it plenty of action.
  5. To this day "The Shining" makes me nervous.
  6. Had an excellent day today. Started with the first pic, a 4.4 which is as big as I've caught since April. I had to work this morning and was killing a few minutes before I needed to show up. Took a few casts in a suburb park pond that I've never bothered with, having only noticed carp jumping. Well after only a few casts buzzing a Z-Man GOAT I got quite a wake up call. Second pic represents six over three pounds that I caught this afternoon at one of my usual spots. They all came on a Mini Max chatterbait. Cloud cover and a good breeze was icing on the cake after so much heat here.
  7. Situations like this make it tough to keep within site rules. Suffice to say you're both in my thoughts and prayers.
  8. This kind of strays from the subject of rod length but over time I've developed the ability to know what my lure is doing underwater, what I call using my "mind's eye". Really hard to describe but a lot of you probably know what I mean. It's a sense of being connected like you're right there. For example, I've been doing well with bladed jigs lately. Some bites are unmistakable while others are a series of bumps that require that I "feed" the lure to the fish to get a committed take. I can't imagine being fixed on a screen to accomplish this. Takes all the mystique away IMO.
  9. This bullhead must have been showing off to his buddies that he could be aggressive like the bass in the pond. Must not have realized that getting yanked out of the water was part of the deal.
  10. I'll bet the OP's been smiling since he started this thread. No one would be playing the game if it was 4/1.
  11. My music teacher in fourth grade examined my hands and told me I should play the radio.
  12. I must be missing something here. I've got five Vanfords on Zodias rods and don't experience any problems. I've always held my reels between my middle and ring fingers. I do cushion the stem with Trigger Happy comfort grips but that's because of arthritis in my fingers. I find the reels to be a joy to fish with. Maybe I was born with "Shimano hands".
  13. Five buck mini split ring pliers from Wal-Mart's craft aisle and even a challenged senior like me has no problems changing hooks out.
  14. I gave the spinning gear a rest this morning. My BC tackle has seen very little use this year but a pea soup bloom had me thinking that a bladed jig would be a good choice today. Enjoyed some good action including this one being the largest, just shy of 4 lb.
  15. Anyone notice that the cold shower thread is listed just above the raw oyster one. Coincidence?
  16. FWIW I just stick with Digitaka. Great prices and no "handling fee" like AP. They have both reels that you mentioned, too. Current exchange rate is crazy good.
  17. Finally cracked 4 lb. again with this 4.3. Blade baits still working good. This one could tell a lot of stories.
  18. By this point last year I had caught two over 6 lb. and one over 7. My best this go around has been one just short of 6 with more than I remember 3's and a few 4's. I let it frustrate me then stop and ask what am I griping about. I fish pretty much every day and am starting to think that I need to take a break. My techniques aren't focused specifically on large fish. I fish neighborhood lakes exclusively so big ones come along when I happen to be in the right place at the right time. Lots of honey-do's at home but they'll still be there the day after tomorrow.
  19. I have the spinning version on all my reels. Makes a big difference with arthritic fingers and (at least for me) doesn't get in the way or affect feel.
  20. Different fishermen bite on different colors.
  21. This illustrates why most all of my fishing is with spinning tackle these days. One doesn't have to be an engineer and meteorologist at the same time.
  22. I saw the same video. Maybe my four buck lure has some kind of magic his ten dollar Megabass one doesn't. Always watch Randy just for kicks.
  23. Blade bait keeps putting up numbers and size. As long as I have a clean path through the water and a little breeze these guys are going to get a lot of game time.
  24. I have both in the lower gear ratios (JDM). Both are silky smooth but I still give the edge to Shimano. Their MGL rotor pretty much eliminates start up inertia. That said, when on the water such matters don't exist. Even my Fuego LT's are darn close and cost half as much.
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