So many things... Passing by at an unsafe or illegal distance is wrong. Blowing through no wake zones is wrong. But that's about it from what I've read. If they really were prefishing for a tournament, they were probably doing exactly what they had planned on doing that day. You don't go hooking up with every fish you can inan area you want to fish on tournament day. Some baits, I'll throw without a hook. Get a few bites to locate fish and get a feel for how big they are in a particular area and move on. If the pattern calls for a bait that I can't throw without a hook,I pin one or two at most and get the heck outta there. Maybe spend 10 or 15 min per spot. When and if,at the end of the day, you overheard them complain about bad fishing, it probably wasn't from a lack of them landing fish,bitmore likely an inability to find a pattern or the pattern they expected to be present. I'd much rather a bass boat scream by me on plane than at half step. That wake is barely a bother compared to a 12ft aluminum boat with a 9hp motor and a 225lb man plowing water nose up thinking he is more courteous. I get you were trying to throw some humor on this situation. I just don't think you understand what these guys were trying to accomplish. The issue is everyone thinks they own the water. Rec boat guys are the worst, recreational fisherman think they have the right of way because they're just taking it easy and shouldn't be bothered by anyone else, tourney guys think they should be given the wide berth because they are "fishing for something" money, prize, trophy, bragging rights... The truth is, as long as laws aren't broken we can't control a single thing someone else chooses to do. And common courtesy, manners, respect... Well that's all relative. What may bother me might not affect your day in the slightest, what I perceive as the height of rudeness might just be your daily routine.