They should be turning on in Shoal Creek, I have not been in awhile myself, but for the last few years when it starts cooling off they turn on.
My recovery was 8 weeks or thats when he let me go back to work due to waht I do. They told me I would be off 6-8 weeks. I had a guy I work with who had it done under workmans comp and he was back to work the week after on light duty and he tore his again. I thought I had done that also because I have 2 kids 3yrs old and 9 months old the doc said don't lift anything heavier than a coffee cup for 4 wks and I ask how I was going to that if one of my kids were cryin, one day I pick up the youngest and felt the worst pain in my life, so after that watch what I did.
I also had what they said was tennis elbow until a MRI showed a torn tendon, had surgery on right elbow Dec. 1st and now the left feels just like the right did. Surgery did help the right one so I figure the left will be soon
You can buy crank bait blanks at, Put a screw in eye on the front, take some spinnerbait wire and put it on with a little blade, then put your treable n the back. Sounds simply but coulb work I think.
I use a peice of wire to put in the holes, I bend the end at the bottom so they won't slide off, the wire helps hold them also and you can use it to hang them with to cool. You can use vasoline to put on you wire so it won't stick and cause chips as bad. After I have dipped them and they have cooled down I always loosen them from the wire with a knife before I put them in the oven.
I get mine from a friend who installs walls in exray rooms they use 1/8 in thick to line the walls with. I get what is left over when they cut it off, its the cleanest lead there is.
I reuse some of my hooks that don't pour right on jigs that I use for myself, you can take a razor blade and scratch off the lead, I have used a torch also when the hook gets hot shake it hard and it will come out of the eye and I have also use a rag and wiped it off after iI run it over the torch a few times.
I fish YUM plastics all the time, I fish both the YUM and Powerbait at night and can not tell a big differancein either one. I always use the YUM garlic spay on my jigs and I have not notice any dyeing problems and I have not had to leak either. BUT thats my opinion and as you can tell I am parcial to YUM.
I use a 4/0 regular wire hook in the 1/4oz production mold and put a hook in every other hole works great. I have used the same hook in a 1/8oz and had dremiel it very little.
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