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Everything posted by padon

  1. i use a stupid tube sometimes. i dont texas rig for smallmouth . i want the spiraling glide fall that a internal weight gives the tube.
  2. usually a medium spinning rod. 15 pound braid 10 pound fluoro. locally made internal tube head with a wire weedgaurd. weight depends on current and river level could be a 1/16 up to a 1/4. i would say 1/8 is most common.
  3. i like to throw my tube up stream and let the river push it down stream while i take up slack. i want my weight just enough so that it the tube bounces along bottom and occasionally sticks. when it does i lift it and let it drift and bump some more. no problem from a kayak.
  4. the xzone ned bait has almost completely replaced the zman bait for me. no it doesnt catch 100 fish per bait but its so much easier to work with and that tail stands straight up.
  5. for a baitfish/ goby profile i like the xzone finesse slammer and dropshot minnow.
  6. same experience i had in my swimming pool.lol. havent had a chance to visit yet.
  7. e propulsion seem to be good but you have to buy your own battery etc. with torqueedo you get the whole set up. 2 models to choose from. idk where you live but delaware paddle sports has a good reputation.also join the facebook group torqueedo ultralight owners.
  8. no. eelectronics companies put way too much money in the organizations pockets.
  9. id go nrx 843c and since im a shimano guy id go that route for a reel. but i really dont think super high end reels do that much for you. id be fine with another curado 150 mgl.
  10. exactly , if it aint broke dont fix it. for deep summer fish for me a football head is hard to beat.
  11. idk what lakes your fishing but my suspision is that if you have grass the 10 inch ribbon tail will get bites.
  12. ive wrecked them on the shower blows.would they have hit other baits? matbe idk. but thry dam sure have eaten that that thing alot.
  13. yeah im kind of leaning the same way. i like the idea of 360 for knowing that im lined up correctly on the structure / cover and am effectively hitting it with my casts. but that tap tap at the end of the line is a big part of fishing for me.
  14. i need to get in the boat with somebody who has both and compare them.
  15. i use the 4/0 on flukes and senkos.
  16. thanks for the well thought out reply.what your describing is what i would use the 360 for. alot of our lakes have grass out to 15 feet or so. id like to be able to see poinys or cuts in grass before iget there. gravel or rock on the edge of grass. also when i pull up on a way point that is a rock pile or brush pile, id know exactly which direction and how far to cast, i could see fish although not their reaction. obviously it wouldnt be much help with suspended fish. idk i could end up with both at some point but but more than money its lack of deck space that causes me concern, i watch all of jonnys videos. great that he shows its a process and not always an easy one.
  17. curious on your opnion. how much do you think ff sonar is gonna really help the average weekend angler. ive been thinking about getting it. the pros make it look so easy to just handle the boat drop your lure right on the fish and catch them. but when you talk to guys who really know they tell you iys not as easy as those guys make it look. it takes alot of hours on the water to get that cone exactly where you want it, place that lure on the fish and catch it while controlling the boat in the wind etc. for the average guy who gets to fish one dat a week and maybe a multi day trip once a year do you think they are good enough with it to justify the cost? i almost think that 360 which would give me the ability to see exactly where the cover is and place my casts on it would be more valuable to me.
  18. ok. you do you but when i can pull up on a rock pile make a cast with a drop shot and have a fish on less than ten seconds after it hits bottom i dont think its so bad. whats the difference between that and a jig. alot of the water i fish is deep and clear. that lends itself to smaller baits so called finesse fishing so thats what i do alot of. but then those same fish will gobble a ten inch worm on a deep ledge so i keep them honest and try a variety.
  19. padon

    Hover Rig

    i used an xzone slammer with the lightest head they make and hammered smallmouth on it in a river i fish.it also lets you get a fluke down deeper but stil keep that darting gliding action.
  20. to me you have to try each technique in different cover and situations to see what you like. for me i like a shakey head on rock. i like a texas rig in grass or wood. wacky senko i use around all those but mostly in shallow water. drop shot too but i want to have a specific target with it. rockpile on the edge of a grass bed or brush pile for example.
  21. in spring i would probably fish the high spots with grass if its growing yet.in summer id probably watch my graph to see what depth most bait seems to be then graph the area at those depths. paying special attention to where those elongated points get close to those steeper drops.
  22. i bought 2 150 mgls last year and love yhem. will be getting a couple more this year.
  23. 10 inch old monster or power worm. 3/8 to 1/2 ounce usually. faster weight gets reaction strikes and usually fishing to30 feet.
  24. d shads are heavy. ive never liked weighted hooks but have used the core tackle hover jig this year with some wild results. you can google it but it basically makes a flat bait like that dart on the retrieve and hover and glide on the fall.
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