that is my home river and that area in particular is where I fish the most.that time of year can be boom or bust. hit a warm stretch with stable river flows and you can load up. 100 fish days are not uncommon with double digit numbers over 3 pounds.if its cold and the water is too high your gonna struggle.check the Harrisburg gauge, if its at about 4-7 you should be good. also what kind of boat are you fishing from? that stretch can be very rocky and a jet boat is best a prop boat will work if you have decent water but you have to go slow and limit where you for the fishing that time of year most fish will want to be out of fast current, bankside eddies,slowwer water behind rock ledges said hair jigs tubes,crankbaits , spinnerbaits , and jerkbaits and swimbaits can all be effective depending on water temp flow and just the mood of fish that day. although spring can be great for big fish don't overlook summer if you have the right boat. when the flow is more stable, you may not get as many big fish but its not uncommon to have 50 fish days with several 3pound plus fish even in mid summer. that time of year flukes and topwaters can be dynamite.nothing like catching 18" plus smallies on topwater while your buddies back home a dropshoting 30' depths.