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Everything posted by padon

  1. ive been using stradics since the early 2000s . so i cant really comment. whenever i need a new spinning reel i just buy a stradic and dont really think about it.
  2. no i understand that. its kind of frustrating because you cant cover it all.
  3. i own both. i like both. i guess if i was really pressed i would go expride. the 72 ml xfast is my drop shot rod of choice. soft enough tip to use an open hook but stout enough back bone to use a texas rigged roboworm or something similar.
  4. yeah i drift alot.try to cover water and get my bait in front of as many fish as possible. yeah i drift alot.try to cover water and get my bait in front of as many fish as possible.
  5. thats when i use my kayak with torqueedo on the susky. lots of fish caught. now garnted youll get more small fish but i usually catch a couple 18s every trip with lots of 15 and 16s.
  6. i guess a 7.Ihave an fully decked 17 foot aluminum with custom aluminum decks and storage that me and a buddy did. all electric outboard as required for the lakes i fish. Down and side imaging on the console, down imaging and 360 up front. ultrex trolling motor. im pretty much done. not going the ff sonar route. just not how i wanna fish. sometimes though im a 3 . paddle kayak 3 boxes with lures a couple rods and a river full of angry smallmouth, or a pond full of big bull bluegills.
  7. i fell the same. i have 2 nrx+ and they are great rods. i dont think i catch any more fish on them than my exprides orochi xx. i feel like once you get over $300 or so the gains although real are less noticeable than the difference between a $100 and a $300 rod.
  8. exactly . and remeber the stuff you see watching the big tournaments is different than us weekend fisherman. The tournament may have been won using ffs on suspended fish but that doesnt mean a guy couldnt have had a good day fishing the old school way. you may not catch 25 pounds but you may catch 18 and still have a solid fun day of fishing.
  9. you will need to learn to crank grass.it can be a little tricky but the good part is alot of people wont want to bother with it so the fish dont see it much.you want the crank to run just above the grass ticking a taller weed now and then and pop i off of them. i used to fish witha guy who was always avoiding snags with his baits. he asked me how i was getting bites he wasnt. i said you have to throw the lure where the fish are.he said what if i get snagged. i said if your not gonna put it where the fish are you should have just left it in the store.
  10. the 72 would probably work for neds . it has a soft tip but it does get pretty stout. for noes hooking and light neds you may be happier with the 610
  11. if your gonna just dropshot with an open hok the 610 is fine. If your gonna texas rig at all the 72 is better. it has a soft tip but stiffens very quickly after about the 4th guide.
  12. xzone deception, grande bass airtail wiggler and airtail rattler.
  13. tatsu is awsome if you want to spend the money. if not i like sunline sniper 16. its the same diameter as invisx 15. i will use invisx if i cant get the sniper and i dont have a big problem with it. either will be fine.
  14. holy moly! 700 in canada!! if you want the glx go to the store and put your hands on it. if it feels good to you buy it. or you can save a few more pennies and get an nrx.
  15. wind buster or xbites will both handle that. i dont own a wind buster but a friend does. ive fished with it and thrown a 5/16 finesse jig with a small trailer which it handled perfectly.
  16. i have a glx that i got for 25% off. it a good rod for that price. i wouldnt pay 550 for it which is what a new one would cost . i dont feel its any better than my shimano exprides.never owned an nrx so i cant comment on that. i do own an xbites and feel like it is worth the money. its my favorite lighter jig and texas rig rod. after using it id like to have a fmj , addermine and wind buster to go with it.
  17. its my number i producer most years. most of the lakes i fish have milfoil and the bass spend alot of time in it. a texas rig is one of the most effective baits to fish in thick grass.
  18. i have both. i prefer the shakeyhead.
  19. ive been thinking of ditching the over priced fluoro for the last couple years and going back to straight mono. then i fall victim to the hype machine and buy the flouro.you may have convinced me to do it.
  20. thats one of the reasons i havent gotten it. im not sure i have the number of hours to dedicate to learning it to make it largley benneificial to me.
  21. jackall rerange berkley stunna
  22. this is a part of the reason im holding off buying it. that it just doesnt feel right to me. but the point is the pros onTV who make it look so easy fish several hundred hours a year. i wonder just how effective a guy like me who fishes 1 day a week plus a few vacation days a year could be with it. im sure i could catch a few extra fish but until the group of guys that i know who fish our lakes with similar time constraints as me start pounding fish with it while im struggling im not gonna drop my 4k.also for some strange reason our water supply lakes where `i fish are closed from december til april. which a major part of the season where ffs really dominates.
  23. no thanks.
  24. ive thought about getting it, i have the money thats not an issue. i just cant get past the way i feel about it that its not what fishing was intended to be. the whole point is to tru to use your knowledge to predict where fish will be and the catch them. what about the whole experience of casting to a fishy looking spot and anticipating the bite? idk im the same guy hunting with a recurve when i could be using a crossbow and a flintlock when i could be using a scoped rifle. but i just dont think its for me. plus i stare at screeens 40 hours a week, i go fishing to get away from that.
  25. for me ironically i think the bad days are what keep me coming back. its the asking myself why? and what could i have done differently that are thr great mystery.
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