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Everything posted by padon

  1. exactly . Except for the top 1% most of the long time pros have income other than tournaments. some own a business , some are involved with tackle companies etc. if all you have is a few minor sponsors and tournament winnings you cant afford it.
  2. i dont boat flip very often ill hand land or use a net.i also hate when i see people hold the fish out of water , weigh it ant take a pic. i do things too if its a big one but i put the fish back in the water every minute or so if it takes that long. Remember that fish cant breathe while its out of water. Try holding your breath the whole time the fish is out of the water.
  3. i think its the flat bottom of the bait. the rage bug like andy morgan recommends has a similar flat bottom but of course hes sponsored by strike king.
  4. ive looked at that rod ,my question is can you rip through grass with it? most of my bladed jig fishing is around coontail and milfoil.
  5. who cares is an answer because i dont. correct its not a 10 dollar item , its a $550 dollar item because of the material in the blanks and the taper. thats what i care about . i dont need it tolook like a reinvented light saber, or have graphics like a nascar . i just want it to fish well and feel light and balanced in my hand. im not a loomis fanboy i have more megabass and shimano rods but i see no problem with the loomis i have. if they arent for you yu can always buy something else. like i said its just a fishing rod no reason to get all worked up.
  6. idk? who cares ? i have some glx , wont buy nrx because i dont like recoil guides. i like the couple imx rods i have . they feel good in my hands are sensitive etc. i also like my megabass , shimano and st.croix. its just a fishing rod. if its the action i want and feels good in my hand ill buy it.
  7. ive listened to several biologists on national podcasts over the last couple years and they all agree, that as a whole we are not keeping enough fish. im sure it varies from fishery to fishery but with catch and release so ingrained in bass fishermen we dont harvest enough fish. now what they would like is for us to keep them between 12 and 15 or so inches. I dont keep bass so its not gonna happen for me but when i see somebody keep a few in that size range i dont let it bother me. Also the absolute best thing that can happen to you lake is for it to have grass and for some moron not to kill the grass.
  8. i like the rerange for a little warmer water as stated. ive caught them on a bunch of the ones you mentioned , pointer, strike king, shimano etc. they all work but the vision 110 still seems the best to me.espsecially in colder water it seems to outproduce them all. theyve been around a long time and if they didnt outproduce the others they wouldnt sell for the price they do.
  9. i dont troll per se but i will drift big flats on windy days and use the trolling motor to help correct course to cover where i want to fish.
  10. For you guys that could use a power pole but dont want to spend the money check out bernies river stick. its basically a manuaal power pole. very clean mount , works very well and is much less expensive. he makes custom mounts depending on your kayak weather you run a motor or not.
  11. yeah he runs a jet and they can go most places the kayak does but alot of those boat tournaments use ramps in sections with a little deeper water.
  12. boat tournaments dont bother me too much i can usually get in shallow enough water to get away from them.
  13. anybody got any real life reviews? Ive watched some you tube reviews but its hard to tell. i know it has limitations cmpared to full on livescope but i thought maybe for an old guy (me) who would rather fish old school methods and has limited time to invest in it but may want to dabble it may be a decent solution.
  14. i wish they would all leave the susky off for a couple years. im tired of them beating up my fish.lol anybody know what other kayak trails are coming to the susky in2025? i wanna make sure i dont run into 200 boats when i go fishing one weekend.
  15. i think the tour versatile would do a good job for you .
  16. i wouldnt / wont switch all my units ill still use my 360 just get a seperate garmin for livescope.
  17. yeah i missed it. i still caught fish on flukes, senkos cranks topwaters etc but the thought of a magdraft or glide just never crossed my mind.
  18. one of my plans is to reevaluate the way i fish the susquehanna river. after 2 major kayak tournaments were won on a magdraft and glide bait. i need to make some adjustments
  19. it would be tough for me to not have spot lock unless i atleast had a pedal drive to kind of act like a front trolling motor.
  20. i work a hard jerk bait usually a little slower . i also want it to always be darting side to side with very little just straight forward motion. you need to work it like a walk the dog topwater always throwing slack back toward the bait at the end of every jerk. so that when you jerk the next time you are actually pulling slack before you pull the bait.
  21. my friend has it, i dont. we fish out of each others boat alot. i do have 360 and use it to line up on structure and cover as you described using live. he only time we felt it really made much difference for us was just recently when fish really started to follow shad and not be as related to cover. we were able to catch some suspended fish that were not on cover. mind you we caught some. we threw at a ton and could not get most o bite. the pros make catching those suspended fish look easy but i assure you its not. i dont feel like fish enough to really get good at catching those fish and have no plans to add ffs.its not that im against it i just feel i could use my 3k more effectively elsewhere.
  22. i like wacky or lightly weighted wacky down to about 10 feet. after that i like neko. even with the same light weight it will fall faster and stay n bottom better. i havent fished a true ned much lately but i do use a 4 inch senko or dinger on a jig head in lighter cover or grass.
  23. looks like a slight rise maybe this weekend and some cooler nights. the should be biting.
  24. ok. i probably wont do a whole lot more this year with archery season coming etc , but next spring ill send you a pm if i have an empty seat.
  25. i fish the same river you do im sure. it may not be the smallmouth mecca like st.lawrence but its pretty dam good. shes a little stingy right now, low water lots of floating eel grass. but if we get some rain with this cooler weather shes gonna get RIGHT!
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