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About kevinv

  • Birthday April 8

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location

    Lancaster, Ontario Canada
  • My PB
    Between 2-3 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River

    Lake - Carson Lake

    River - St Lawrence and Bonnechere
  • Other Interests

    Bbq, Geocaching, Biking

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  • About Me

    Fished many Ontario lakes and rivers over 20 years.

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  1. I have been researching for a few years now about building a fishing cart to attach to my bike, just looking to hold a few rods, tackle box, bait box, fish pail. Nothing to heavy to pull behind when peddling the bike. and to be easy in and out of the back of a suv. anyone have one? Thanks
  2. Thanks you for the replies.I know it was a loaded question, I was very curious as to what others thought. As I said, I have 3 go to brands. Mepps, red devil, Rapala are the 3 I like. Other than that, i get what seems to work, even if it is a knock off.
  3. I was on another forum, and I was reading how some anglers will stick with only one Lure Manufacture over another. So I started to think, and I was that way at one time. I choose what I seen work on tv, or in books. I still have some that I swear by, and are my got lures. Anyway. I was wondering when you are purchasing lures, does brand matter?
  4. May work for the habs, but cant say much since my team is doing worse off then them right now. I have done a short introduction already. who told you about our hockey stick trick?
  5. Joined this discussion on another forum, and being a few moths till fishing season, I figured it was time to re-look at my tackle boxes, and maybe do a spring cleanup. How do you set up you main tackle box? I do different fish at times on the same lake. this means that I sort some lures by fish type. Others I put blades together, spoons etc. do you setup by lure size, fish? type of tackle? Do use one box, or many? Thank you.
  6. This is something I have always wondered. Always wondered why one color, size or type work one day, and a fail the next. I have used the Mepps Black fury with great success in the past. I also likes the red mepps comet # 4. For top water I like the frog color, or red white. Seem to be a big hit on some rivers.
  7. south east of Ottawa. almost the ont que border
  8. Hello all: I have fished many types of fish, and in many different areas of Ontario Canada. I target mostly bass, perch, panfish, and pickerel in our local area. Springtime sees us out for catfish if we can get out. In the past I have also fished for Carp and pike. To very different but fun fish. I am a shore based right now, and travel by car a lot. Looking at canoe fishing in the near future. Thanks Kevin
  9. Hello all: I have been asking around in different foums to get a feeling. I have fished many types of fish, and in many different areas. My current setup is old, but has done me well. I am looking to upgrading my rod if I can this year. First question. I have a spincast setup. What is the best/ smallest rod length I should be looking at. I was always told a 5.5 to 6ft rod as a general goto. Medium action. Been doing research as of late, and have been told at least a 7ft medium action should be what I need. Before you ask, I target bass, perch, panfish, and pickerel. I am a shore based right now, and travel by car a lot. So what minimum length of rod should I look at? When I was younger, one of the guys I would fish with, would pre tie fishing rigs. I always tie them as I need. Does anyone else pre tie rigs? My problem is storing them after. How do you do it? Thanks Kevin
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