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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Will you please explain that to the pike in the waters I fish?
  2. Week nights we’re in bed by 9-9:30. The wife can fall asleep mid sentence. I envy people who can fall asleep quick. I’ll usually watch a bit of tv trying to unwind, but I’ll be out by 10-10:30. Saturday night I’m out by midnight at the latest. Heck last night I was out by 10. I’m a party pooper. ?
  3. The rain here is putting a nice dent in the ice for sure. I’m not sure on the thickness of the ice, but it’s getting the dark color to it so I’m guessing it’s getting pretty thin. I did see a few geese walking on a lake yesterday so it’s at least safe enough for them. ? To be quite honest with myself I’m not sure when I’m even going to make the first trip. We’re scheduled to close on the house 4/15, so the next month, month and a half are going to be pretty busy.
  4. Yup my bad. The CT was my first Daiwa reel a couple years ago I got on sale from Midway I think for $100-110.
  5. Wasn’t the CT $89 a few months ago ?
  6. I’m perfectly fine with it getting dark here at 5 in the winter because there’s nothing to do here that time of the year. I prefer getting up early in the morning to go fishing during open water season.
  7. Yup their sunglasses are great. One of only a few brands that fits my pumpkin head.
  8. I will say mine is less frequent than it has been when I started this thread. For me it was several times a day, now it’s maybe 1-2 times a week, if that. So it has gotten considerably better.
  9. Mine says (beta) then asks to sign up for an upgrade. Hope this helps.
  10. Perfect day and time to go, you can get in free and it’s usually pretty quiet early the first day.
  11. They’re actually tapping trees down here. While the temps are going to be in the 50’s this week and even get up to 65 one day is promising. However I saw a couple quads on our local lake Sunday so I’m guessing my prediction and hope will come and go like it does every year. ?
  12. If it’s going to rain soon then I’d say yes, absolutely, but if you had a couple days of dry weather I’d go with a regular mortar mix so you have more time to get it in every nook and cranny. disclaimer: I’m not an expert
  13. I truly feel everyone should do retail at some point in their lives, preferably at a young age. My first job was working the sales counter at our local lumberyard. You’ll develop patience and thick skin real quick trying to sell contractors lumber and hardware at age 15 when you have no clue what you’re doing. I’ve always been a patient person when it comes to other people (maybe except for when I’m driving but even then I just yell at my steering wheel ?). I always give people the benefit of the doubt and I always trust people until they give me a reason not to. It’s both worked in my favor and screwed me over, but that’s how I roll. I’ve carried this over to my management style. There’s only been one time I’ve yelled at an employee and he started in on me first and I bit my tongue so many times before.
  14. Hydraulic cement is some good stuff but you need to be quick with that stuff! I think 3-5 minutes is a bit of an over estimate. Ask me how I know. ?
  15. Well it’s better than throwing square bails around. I never had the luxury of a tractor and round bails. It seems that the hay would always show up on the hottest most humid day too, all 300 of them! I don’t miss that.
  16. I haven’t been in a few years, but I gave it some thought this year since KVD was going to be there Thursday. Did you happen to sit through his seminar?
  17. Buy a new Rattletrap, take the hooks off, cast and retrieve down the street for a half hour, then find a puppy and let it chew on it for 15 minutes and you’ll have your old rattletrap back. You’re welcome!
  18. I’d have to go with the same action figure as you @A-Jay except mine would be in a constant eye roll. As the snow melted these past few weeks it reveals the different layers of dog poop I’ve missed. No matter how much you try and get it all the spring thaw makes you roll your eyes. Name: ?head
  19. That helps because they do use Google classroom, DOCs, ect. Thank you!
  20. Not being a tech guy myself, what would be a suitable amount of memory for the little bit he’ll use it?
  21. 6poundbass’s school use Chrome books for a lot of their work, and use them for virtual schooling as needed. We need to purchase one for him and looking on line the prices are all over the place from $40 to over $200. So what’s the difference? I don’t feel like he needs a higher end one and he’s not going to use it for anything but classroom work. So what does the BR group recommend?
  22. Did you put a cat in a box and bring it with you? ?
  23. I used to do the on call rotation for my work, I did plenty of the midnight call outs for a broken water mains in the middle of the night. Hang my arm out the window to stay awake, and spent plenty of nights in a Walmart/ Meijer parking lot. I did my time and prefer my bed next to my wife. That being said , I’ll get up at 3-4 am to go north for giant smallies but that’s it! I’d head to Mexico for a few giant largemouth too!
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