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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Given your current situation I now know why you haven’t posted a workout in a few days. Hope all is well with you and especially Lynn!
  2. Oh you got the Rona?
  3. The suspense is killing me!
  4. I usually say “pics or it didn’t happen” but this is where I’ll make an exception.
  5. I’m not into conspiracy theories (although I do find them interesting) but here goes my attempt. @A-Jay falls off his rocker and starts a music career with the above song from yesterday (free plug A-Jay you’re welcome buddy), @Bird finds a dead cuckoo wearing pants on his deck, then you just post “one flew over the cuckoo’s nest”. Ironic, two cuckoo’s in 24 hrs? Then @slonezp posts a picture of a bird (not wearing pants though) trying to buy stuff at his shop! WHAT DOES THIS ALL MEAN? ????? Holy ? I think I’ve lost my mind and it’s all your guys fault. ? You'd think it’s winter with the craziness going on here.
  6. Well we learned that birds wear pants and birds shop at HVAC stores in Chicago so maybe @A-Jay is ahead of the game on all this craziness! ?
  7. Good luck tracking him down when he doesn’t pay his bill!
  8. This whole thread is very informative! I never knew birds wore pants! ?
  9. Looking into this I’m seeing that they are typically found in SW Florida so it appears it lost it way. Might not be a bad idea to get ahold of a local biologist or bird watching group. Side note given your screen name I figured you’d be the first to have the answer. ?
  10. https://www.google.com/search?q=white+bellied+bird+striped+tail+brown+wings&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS835US835&hl=en-US&prmd=isnv&sxsrf=ALiCzsa71COJ3N8y-8PIXfEidheWzcsuqw:1654132864183&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi1rJ-OzY34AhVRmIQIHUNnD_cQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=414&bih=622&dpr=3#imgrc=LCEj5Yw5Nfa3CM&imgdii=8m2tLQ5KPBlsEM Looks like a mangrove cuckoo
  11. Hmmm that didn’t help. ? I just submitted my vote for he fell off his rocker.
  12. I keep checking in hoping for an answer. Has @A-Jay lost his marbles, did Tank take over his account? Anything is possible I guess.
  13. Hank in the middle, Charlie on the right (we lost him in February) and Lola on the left. Oh and 6poundbass is the human. ?
  14. So sorry for your loss.
  15. He’s getting to be and old boy but he still loves being a lap dog, all 140lbs of him!
  16. Baccarac in Mexico Marlin, Bluefin, Tarpon, Baracuda, Canada Musky and pathetic I haven’t checked it off yet because I’m only a couple hours away from both but smallmouth on St. Clair and northern Michigan.
  17. You get a more accurate temperature read if you go in up to your hips!
  18. I think the wife got the message loud and clear from Hank the spare bedroom is his!
  19. I’d like to see you weigh it on your Rapala scale or long arm it for your photo!
  20. I’ve yet to see a bear in the wild.
  21. Here’s hoping for a speedy recovery for your mom.
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