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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Consider yourself lucky. It’s a tough world out there for us dumb looking smart folks!
  2. Nice write up. I had read that R410a was going to be phased out. If I remember right I think 410a was introduced and R22 was phased out when I was doing HVAC around ‘05-06? I’m shocked that 80% efficient furnaces are still made and sold and there’s a market for it. Preventative maintenance on furnaces are pretty simple and is about 90% of the work I did back in the day.
  3. It’s going to 16 SEER correct and changing refrigerant? In a nutshell how does increasing the SEER make them more efficient? I get the efficiency on the heat side, but I never dabbled in the cooling side. Does it just creat colder air, thus cooling quicker which uses less electricity?
  4. Bad year to start a lawn from scratch. The electric company loves me though because our well runs so much.
  5. I’ve had good luck with the ultrasonic spikes. I always knew when the batteries died because they came right back. ?
  6. I’ve never understood the allure of sweet tea. Must be a southern thing. Every time I’ve ordered a tea and taken a drink and it turned out to be sweet tea my tongue about jumps out of my mouth! I love tea and drink it almost every night but sweet tea I can not do at all.
  7. Looks pretty darn good first time or 100th time. Enjoy the rabbit hole.
  8. Looks pretty darn good first time or 100th time. Enjoy the rabbit hole.
  9. I’ll bet Spider-Man was roasting his arse off! ?
  10. I wonder if the mythical Power Pole trolling motor will be unveiled? There have been some pictures of this unicorn floating around.
  11. Did you put his fro to shame back in the day, and did you have goldfish in your platform shoes? ?
  12. Took you long enough to connect those dots, but yup that’s pretty much it! Don’t be surprised if a package shows up at your house from New Hampshire with a return envelope in it. ?
  13. Thankfully they’re a good 2 hrs away from me and gas prices are high otherwise I’d probably get more Daiwa reels I don’t need.
  14. That’s pretty sad. You never truly know what someone is thinking.
  15. You’re cutting into my commission! My kid needs shoes. ?
  16. 12poundbass


    I ran it in my Avalanche for 5 or so years with no issues. I run it from time to time in my F-150. I’ve never done the math to see what I’m losing on mpg. I bought my F-150 from my mechanic and he ran it. He used to be one of the “if you like your engine don’t run it” people when if first started getting popular 15 or so years ago and now he runs it in his truck.
  17. Give whatever company you go with my PayPal info so they can send me my commission.
  18. The other deciding factor in keeping an asphalt driveway in good condition is the base. If the base is no good then you’re fighting an uphill battle, but obviously at this point that’s out of your control. Nonetheless sealing it will help tremendously regardless of the base.
  19. It helps to keep the water from seeping in especially in the larger cracks. In the north like you and I are water in asphalt (concrete as well) is a recipe for disaster come winter. That’ll destroy a driveway in no time. My dad has his done every 3-4 years and his 25 year old driveway is in excellent shape.
  20. 5%+ is the going rate on auto loans now
  21. We went through a mortgage broker. It’s a FHA deal I believe.
  22. Look into getting a stream lined loan. This is what we just got on our house. This benefits to this loan is you can refinance when rates go down, there’s no credit check needed, no equity needed, and no appraisal. The closing costs are minimal as well. Again this is for refinancing down the road. So our plan is to refinance once interest rates lower, and if they keep lowering we’ll refinance again.
  23. Can you get a fixed rate mortgage before rates go up again?
  24. I wonder what the reasoning is for that?
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