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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. I prefer the green or blue. I mostly use blue.
  2. My new director and I play pranks one another and he’s gone to a corporate conference so I’d like play a prank on him. If you’re good at photoshop or altering photos please shoot me a PM for more details. Thanks!
  3. Red eye shad for me
  4. Before you buy one take some steel wool or Emory cloth and clean it off, re-install it and see if that works. It’s a temporary fix but should tell you right away if that’s the problem. I used to this on furnace flame sensors to get the customer by if I didn’t have one at the time.
  5. @Eric 26 or the missed face mask towards the end of the first half? 😂
  6. @Eric 26 yup the mothership in New York had plenty of time to call that a no catch but looked the other way.
  7. That’s one heck of a neck! He’s been chasing the ladies.
  8. @gimruis are you an 8 or better guy or do you factor in age, spread, mass in your decision?
  9. I’m right there with you. Hank is on the upper end of life expectancy for his breed. He’s really starting to slow down and the hips are getting stiff. We’ve lost enough dogs to know once they really start to slow, the downward spiral seems to speed up.
  10. Sounds sketchy to me. I would’ve publicly questioned it as well and after I was banned like you there would’ve been a nice follow up post. 😁
  11. I have two and have never had that problem. I do know Garmin customer service is top notch!
  12. @Spankey all you need is one divider and you could easily make them with a 3-D printer. Heck, someone probably already has the plan for them online where one could easily download it and start printing.
  13. Thank you to all our veterans.
  14. Pretty sure we haven’t seen this big guy yet this year.
  15. Does it have a thermocouple? I would think the pilot wouldn’t stay lit if the thermocouple was bad or going bad but something to maybe look at.
  16. Great deal on already great prices!
  17. Welcome to Bassresource and welcome to the dark side of fishing.
  18. Scruppy McScrupperson has made several appearances here on Bassresource over the years. To my knowledge, he’s the only one who has unlocked the GPS coordinates to Lake Menderchuck. He and @A-Jay go way back.
  19. Sorry to hear about another roller coaster ride Andy. Nothing else matters now than spending as much quality time as possible with Lynn and your pack. Take care and we’ll be here when you’re ready to come back.
  20. Black Friday is coming up and you can usually find some pretty good deals. I’m a Garmin guy having two 93SV Echomaps. I’d also go with a Striker or an Echomap if you can swing the extra coin. Cabelas/Bass Pro usually has Black Friday deals and there are marine electronic stores that have good BF deals too.
  21. Alright Star Wars fans and/or Lego fans here you go. My Director is a Star Wars nerd and just finished this up. He said it took 22.5 hrs to complete. For some crazy reason he brought it into work to display. We helped him carefully put it onto a stand they make for it. He was sweating bullets the whole time we were attaching it to the stand. 😁
  22. I’ve hunted deer almost 30 years now and I’ve never heard of there being an issue regarding ticks or Lyme disease. I don’t recall reading anything about it either.
  23. Fish don’t have eyelids and can’t wear sunglasses.
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