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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. If you don’t change things, things don’t change
  2. My sister brings it up from Indiana when she comes home or my dad does when they go to visit her. Pretty good stuff. I’d have some more regularly if it were sold in Michigan.
  3. I carry $25-40 cash with me each week if I want to get lunch from time to time during the week. I have a debit card and rarely take a credit card anywhere. I hate credit cards and not a big fan of plastic period. For me I keep better track of cash. I’m just old school I guess and prefer cash. We live in small town USA so everyone accepts cash.
  4. The only time I’ve experienced this was salmon fishing on Lake Michigan. Spent 8 hours on the boat. When I laid down in the hotel room and closed my eyes i could feel every wave all over again. This used to happen when I was in my early teens and riding roller coasters all day long at Cedar Point. Laying in bed I’d feel the roller coasters all over again.
  5. Since everything on the internet is true and you both seem genuine I’ll combine your answers and go with 45. Lookout Harvard, here comes 6poundbass!!!
  6. Got it figured out guys. Thanks for the help and the links!
  7. Those ones I was able to figure out. It’s 6,15,16 that has me scratching my head.
  8. So son comes out and asks for help with his math. After looking at the paper and picking up the pieces of my exploded head ? I found a video on YouTube how to find the area of a trapezoid and (re)learned how to do the ones I have circled. How do you do the ones I don’t have circled? My brain is on overload. I can’t seem to find a video for them.
  9. Don’t forget Power Pole! Supposed to have been out about 4 years ago and should be out soon. At this rate you can expect it out in 2040. ?
  10. I knew that, and that’s part of my confusion about what the purpose of them are? Is it more of a mind game to try and keep people honest, or to try and get cheaters to come clean? So many questions, so few answers. ?
  11. I did read they failed a polygraph test or two last year but apparently that didn’t change they outcome of the tournaments they failed them at. It makes you wonder what the purpose of the polygraph is then?
  12. I’m going to change it up a bit and try something new (to me). I’ve been hearing good things about it.
  13. I am no help to you unfortunately. Last year was my first year with my Echomap units and didn’t get much time on the water with them last year and zero this year. I did map the lake I lived on and a partial lake, but the rest of the lakes already had contours. I’ve yet to dabble in the QuickDraw community or really even use the ActiveCaptain app.
  14. This story has exploded! TMZ, NY Times, Fox News, just to name a few have picked the story up. I wonder if they have full time jobs, and if they’ll keep them?
  15. Fishing tournaments are a form of gambling, and gambling is a form of addiction. When it comes to addiction, all bets are off! It’s very unfortunate, but it’s reality. These two have cheated their way outv of hundreds of thousands of dollars (unproven of course). Their lives are ruined. All because of greed and arrogance. Karma is a *****!
  16. She’s a beaut!
  17. I’ve had smoked Caribou that was thin sliced like roast beef and that was by far the best. Elk would be number two. Venison three. I’ve had buffalo too. It wasn’t a wild Buffalo but came off a ranch we hunted in Nebraska, and they weren’t fed grain, and just grazed over 20,00-30,000 acres. Pretty lean, but was good.
  18. One article I read I believe was from last year highlighted their back to back wins to the tune of $306k in cash and prizes.
  19. Those boys are lucky they didn’t get one of those weights upside their heads.
  20. I’m guessing Tua has a bit of a headache today. Not sure how he passed concussion protocol to even play last night.
  21. So much for “red sky night, sailors delight”. Stay safe!
  22. It’s better to wake up and pee, than pee and wake up.
  23. Statistics show that if you start a sentence with statistics shows, people are more likely to believe you. ?
  24. It’s pretty easy to stay warm when it’s cold out…stay active. It’s pretty hard to stay cool playing football in the heat. A day game in Miami was pretty stupid.
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