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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Set the Go Pro up outside and title your next video “A different old guy total body workout” I guess I don’t understand how this is even possible. Do you have them in the summer when everyone is running their A/C? I guess we’re pretty fortunate up here because we never have rolling blackouts.
  2. Do I need to even say what I drank tonight?
  3. If you’re looking cheap and good, get the Abu Garcia black max or the Pro Max. Trust me, you will not be disappointed! I’ve had plenty over the years and they’re still holding up!
  4. I don’t care what he says either, his coworkers are rabid animals! ?
  5. Dang!
  6. Well as of now this storm has been a dud, which I guess isn’t entirely a bad thing. It’s only 6 with a windchill of -16. The snow has been the dud, we’ve only received around 6”. The wind is blowing at a pretty good clip which has windswept the roads and created treacherous conditions.
  7. Ahhh My Outdoor TV. The only problem with that is they’re a year or more behind on new episodes aren’t they? But then again I haven’t seen some of the older episodes.
  8. Well that flew right over my head. Brain freeze is my excuse. How does one go about finding that on Amazon Prime, just search his name?
  9. I just looked at my shipping app and there isn’t a single ship on Lake Michigan right now and there’s only two ships on Lake Superior and they’re hugging the Canadian coast. It would be a wild ride for sure on those two lakes today.
  10. Didn’t you catch a big brown trout a couple years back? Not to mention the giant musky on super lite line and you’ve had some nice Waldos too.
  11. Look at @A-Jay house, his is a 4/12 pitch. If your’s is steeper than it’s a 5/12, 6/12, etc. no bueno for walking on it with snow.
  12. What’s the pitch of your roof? If it’s more than a 4/12 I wouldn’t attempt it with snow. @Way north bass guy just the little bit I can see of his looks like a 6/12 or more. I’d like to know how he did it too. How about a garden hose. I know it’s bitter out, but could you spray it with water? The water should run off before it freezes. Obviously you’d have to drain the hose before it freezes. Problem solved!
  13. He’s too sly to get caught. If you want to see A-Jay you need to look for bubbles in the water. He’s snipping lines as they pass in front of him.
  14. Ha! For once we’re colder than you! It’s now 5 here. ?
  15. I just watched the promo for Zona’s awesome fishing show. He listed the lakes he fished for this season and it appears he did some stalking, infiltrating, bribing (I doubt that one), or water boarding because Lake Menderchuck is on the list. ?
  16. That’s not good. I’ll take a ton of snow over the potential of freezing rain.
  17. Who needs coffee in the morning when you get right out of bed and go shovel snow for our little dog with windchills -16! I did break a little sweat so I must’ve been dressed appropriately. So far we’ve received around 5” but there’s more coming and the wind is blowing at a pretty good clip.
  18. The last of 6poundbass’s Christmas presents finally arrived. Go Bills
  19. And there it is, my one thing new I learned today. I think of Minnesota a lot like Michigan, hills, lakes, and lots of trees.
  20. The only reason the wind is a factor here is from trees falling on power lines, and along roads with open farm fields. We can get some pretty big drifts on the north south roads along the farm fields. The snow fence helps a bit, unless it’s the snow that’s real fine like sand, then it’s no help. As you guys know in Minnesota, it’s the freezing rain that can really do some serious damage.
  21. Myself and one of my guys are out cleaning up a few loose ends then calling it a day pretty soon. Everyone else is off today and tomorrow unless an emergency comes in. My days of chasing emergencies all hours of the night and all kinds of weather are behind me (I paid my dues), but yes we definitely earn it. Not as much as those linemen working 30-50’ up in a bucket in crap weather. Not to mention all the juice running through those lines.
  22. We had a conference call with Consumers Energy (assuming you have them for your electric) and they already have contractors from out of state heading up here to stage. I’m not sure how they came up with this estimate, but they’re estimating 250,000 without power by the end of the storm.
  23. Two things I’ve learned today. We’re on a roll!
  24. With only 1h 20mins left in the day my streak of learning something new every day continues. I’ve never heard of a grapefruit spoon.
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