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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Welcome to Bassresource!
  2. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRTHu9sQ/ Round two. Round one got some good laughs on here. I know it’s not a photo, my apologies in advance. ?
  3. Morning one: low to mid 40’s little to no wind hunting my friends 20 acre property. 6poundbass and I get out, we’re listening and listening, but hear nothing. We go from one edge of the woods to the other making calls with no answer. The geese were plentiful so we were hoping they would make the turkeys gobble. Nope! They finally left, we get back to the east edge of the property, make a couple calls, and finally get a response! He was on the neighbors property which we don’t have permission to hunt this year. We got a couple more responses but he was pretty far out there and couldn’t coax him in. We hung it up around 9 and decided to go for a drive. The evening was windy and rainy so we decided not to go out. Turns out, that decision was a good one because another friend bagged a good sized Tom that morning and said we could hunt his farm land. This gives us another 300 or so acres to hunt. He showed us around last night and we saw a couple hens around 7 pm by one of his blinds so we were confident they’d roost fairly close. Day two: 32 degrees, burr! Super quiet (except for the dang geese). Not a single peep from the turkeys in the roost. As soon as the sun came up the wind picked up! We sat for a while then decided to creep through the woods checking a couple fields with no luck. We didn’t see or hear any. I’m pretty sure with the below average cold, wind, and snow flurries this morning they weren’t in the mood to be cooperative. The two mornings of hunting so far we could’ve limited out on geese, ducks, deer, and sandhill cranes (if there were a season for them), but not turkeys. We have a month and a half so I’m confident 6poundbass will bag his first turkey by the end of May. Stay tuned!
  4. There it is. Average and average winning weight are two different things. We’re on the same page now.
  5. Congrats to him. He looks pumped!
  6. Thunder chickens in the morning! 6poundbass’s first hunt! Fingers crossed. He’s been watching YouTube videos and has a pretty good jake gobble down. I have the raspy hen call down pat so hopefully the combo pays off.
  7. Didn’t get me that bad. I went down, came back up, and went to first base. Back then there was no concussion protocol. I remember getting my bell rung playing hockey. I got laid right out! I skate back to the bench and went walking away from the bench. Seeing stars and bright lights, the coach asked what the year was and my name. I answered correctly and sat two shifts and back out. I remember it so I’d guess it wasn’t bad, but that hit was hard! DON’T SKATE WITH THE PUCK AND YOUR HEAD DOWN! No bueno! ?
  8. Hey, if I of all people know about it….you need to get out more. ?
  9. New job this week, new beer!
  10. Welcome, from west Michigan.
  11. Where we hunted in Nebraska was a 30,000 acre buffalo ranch. There was a difference in taste from the deer we harvested that ate alfalfa all the time and the deer that were in no man’s land and ate sage and whatever else they could find.
  12. Those are some nice looking jigs!
  13. I’m pretty sure you could take an old shoe and make good tasting jerky out of it.
  14. I get it. Just jerking your chain. I made 4 trips out to Nebraska and took my 30-06 every time. I have the same mindset as you. If I’m going to pony up the money to hunt out of state I’m going to be dang sure I’m putting the odds in my favor as much as possible.
  15. I have two reels currently with flouro the rest are braid. I currently have Seagar Red Label. It’s time to change it out so I have some Tatsu on the way. I’m curious to see what all the rave is about. ?
  16. Robinhood didn’t use a gun! ? I had moose two years ago and it was dang good! I’ve always heard antelope didn’t taste very good. I’ve never had it though.
  17. Have you ever had highlander? That has a distinct flavor (more gamey flavor). My wife and son don’t care for Highlander. I’m betting it’s the mix breed bringing some other flavor into the equation. My friend raises angus limousine cross and that tastes like regular angus.
  18. He helped me, although it’s been two years so I’m probably back to square one. ? Back on topic, I only have three spinning setups. I barely use one but I have been enjoying throwing a small round head with a small Rage swimmer. I started to gain confidence in it so it might become a regular player this year.
  19. A couple years ago I got a decent or of jigs from @Siebert Outdoors with the living rubber skirt. I filled the bathtub up and dumped them in there and said, “hey 6poundbass check this out.” He was entertained for a bit.
  20. Sophomore year I gambled on a curveball that was coming right at my head. It curved just enough to hit me in the jaw. DOWN GO FRASIER! ?
  21. The GIF tab says curveball so it’s gotta be a curveball. ?
  22. You’ll have to wait until Friday. ?
  23. It’s 35 and snowing. Windchill drops it to 27. ?
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