This morning Mrs. 12poundbass was scrolling through the local Facebook page and saw the high school bass fishing team was having a car wash to raise funds. I didn’t know until last year our high school had a bass fishing team.
I’ve had a few on here pay it forward to me by either cutting me deals on lures and one just asked for my address and a few days later a box full of jigs showed up. Feeling obligated to try them I did and it’s become one of my favorite presentations.
I decided it was my turn to pay it forward. I went downstairs and began digging through all my lures and quickly filled a small box and threw in a few spools of line as well.
On our way home we swung by, donated money, got the blazer washed, and I gave them my box of lures. To say they were excited and appreciative is an understatement. One of the adults went over to I'm assuming is the ‘coach’ pointed to me and he came over shook my hand and thanked me about 5 times! We sat and talked bass fishing for a bit and I of course told him about all of us.
I was glad I’m fortunate enough to have accumulated enough lures over the years that I could pay it forward. If you have a local high school bass club/team I highly recommend donating some lures and watching their faces light up!