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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. This morning Mrs. 12poundbass was scrolling through the local Facebook page and saw the high school bass fishing team was having a car wash to raise funds. I didn’t know until last year our high school had a bass fishing team. I’ve had a few on here pay it forward to me by either cutting me deals on lures and one just asked for my address and a few days later a box full of jigs showed up. Feeling obligated to try them I did and it’s become one of my favorite presentations. I decided it was my turn to pay it forward. I went downstairs and began digging through all my lures and quickly filled a small box and threw in a few spools of line as well. On our way home we swung by, donated money, got the blazer washed, and I gave them my box of lures. To say they were excited and appreciative is an understatement. One of the adults went over to I'm assuming is the ‘coach’ pointed to me and he came over shook my hand and thanked me about 5 times! We sat and talked bass fishing for a bit and I of course told him about all of us. I was glad I’m fortunate enough to have accumulated enough lures over the years that I could pay it forward. If you have a local high school bass club/team I highly recommend donating some lures and watching their faces light up!
  2. I hope they haven’t changed too much from the original Black Max because they really are a great reel especially for beginners and the budget anglers. They perform like a $100+ reel.
  3. Welcome to Bassresource
  4. @ATA hopefully you were on a dyno when you took that picture.
  5. I’m not sure why this topic gets people all worked up. Let’s keep things civil here.
  6. I seem to have inadvertently become a pike angler instead of a bass angler. I’ve lost plenty of lures to them. I just got some Gold Label a week so I’ll be trying it out this weekend. Now I’m hoping to catch pike to see how it holds up. Wait, I inadvertently became a pike angler and now I’m hoping to catch them? I’m so confused! ?
  7. I’ve left mine on the factory settings. So far so good.
  8. Welcome to Bassresource
  9. @Darth-Baiter I used carb cleaner for the fuel and used a grill spark igniter and JB welded it to the back and that was my ignition. Judging by what @ATA has in his picture, I’d say he’s using compressed air. I’d venture to guess the fish prefer their bait a little on the cooked side versus cold. ?
  10. I built one when I was 17. They’re easy to build pretty inexpensive and a ton of fun. Watching a potato fly at Mach 2 and a couple hundred feet never gets old! ?
  11. Dang @Team9nine that’s a giant gill!
  12. It can’t be treated on a wild animal. There are two types of mange as well and a skin scrape is needed to determine which type it is.
  13. @gimruis in think this coming winter I’ll dig up old threads once in a while and sit back and laugh.
  14. Double edged sword. If you give it medicine in the food it’ll be accustomed to you feeding it and it’ll stick around and be even less afraid of humans. If I remember right, mange isn’t deadly to the animal just makes it itchy and miserable. I also think it’s treated with a topical ointment.
  15. @IcatchDinks I haven’t fished Tippy but I’ve fished steelhead on Michigan rivers and that’s the main reason I don’t anymore. Guys on both sides casting to the middle getting tangled with one another. I thought for sure I was going to see a kid get lynched because he was going to keep a steelhead that wasn’t hooked in the mouth. Absolutely illegal, but not deserving of the words and threats he received.
  16. That’s called the bent pole pattern. Go get yourself a couple marker buoys throw them in random places. They’ll be fishing those spots catching nothing and you’ll have your good spot to yourself.
  17. Do Tank and Kya ever play Chuck-it together?
  18. I have no clue. He found it on FB market place and used his birthday money to buy it. There is a seat there, it’s really small. It is flipped up so there’s more standing room.
  19. Day two: We moved his target into the woods and cut a trail and now he’s getting a feel for shooting out of a tree stand.
  20. So there’s an ammo monkey, twin brother of the Baitmonkey?
  21. Crop dusting and beer for breakfast….what could go wrong? ?
  22. I got my first Daiwa reel from them on a killer deal a few years back. Then another, and another. Watch them closely and you’ll find some smoking deals there!
  23. The reason I’m asking is because two weeks ago 6poundbass and I went fishing and on the way we saw a gigantic drone spraying crop. It got my wheels spinning and I’ve been researching ever since. I’ve talked to three farmers and my friend who works for the USDA and they say it’s a good idea! . What I’m wondering is, is this something crop farmers are open to or are they stuck on ground and aerial spraying.
  24. Are there any crop farmers on here? I have a few questions regarding a business idea.
  25. 6poundbass had a birthday on 7/2. He took his B-day money and bought himself a used tree stand. He also bought the safety harness with his B-money.
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