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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Just a thought, what about using cedar? I know it costs more, but it naturally resists rot and decay. There seems to be a big confusion with pressure treated and wolmanized wood. A quick google search does clear it up, however after working at a lumber yard for several years as a "kid" I wouldn't have trusted me back then if Some one said I need pressure treated wood or wolmanized wood. Especially a big box store especially if it's a matter of my tin boat developing holes over the years. Whether they were educated in the difference between the two or not (kid or adult). That's a chance I'm not willing to take. So would cedar be an alternative? If so I think it would be money well spent for some peace of mind. Just a thought.
  2. God brings you to it, he'll bring you through it thoughts and prayers
  3. I pay attention to the tournaments but my knowledge is very limited. They way I look at it, is as a free form of gambling. Given the amount of people who play the chances are slim but there is that chance and it costs you nothing. Something to pass the time during the blah Michigan winter.
  4. 2017 goals: 1: upgrade to a bigger boat 2: buy and learn electronics 3: learn new techniques 4: get my son to catch a bigger largemouth 5: find more smallies 6: catch a 6 pounder (big in Michigan)
  5. Interesting...do you mind steering me in the direction of some of your writings?
  6. I totally agree they got it right! It's everything you want/need in a tourney to keep people in suspense and to keep their attention. I'm looking forward to seeing what they'll do next with the MLF.
  7. Interesting. I haven't read up on it too much, only knew of the two. Good to know though. I wonder how BASS felt about that? I realize these guys are still on the Elites and are paying customers and doing great things for BASS. However they've developed a great product that has changed some peoples opinions. I think they've also made BASS rethink and change their approach a bit, example their MLF version they did this summer that received some blow back from some because it was virtually the same format (J-Pow sand bagging didn't help).
  8. It's free and fun and there's a chance to win a boat and/or gifts cards! Can't beat it!
  9. Wasn't it Duckett and Klien who started MLF?
  10. I wish I had that kind of time but unfortunately I don't at this point. Just like with fishing in general there is skill and a little bit of luck mixed in. I did take the obvious (IMO) in bucket E. Good luck to you and good luck to everyone. It would be cool if someone in our group could win a gift card or better yet the boat!
  11. Good you can give us tips! ?Pretty sure I was dead last, last year! Lol
  12. I don't do fantasy sports so I'm taking a shot in the dark from my limited understanding on the percentage of ownership...if say John Doe has a lower %ownership you get more points if they do well than if John Doe jr. with a higher %ownership were to do well. I'm sure someone else can either correct me or explain it better.
  13. Just my opinion, braided line. Easy to use,low maintanence, a bit pricy up front but it'll last longer. Especially if you use a filler for part of your reel.
  14. Welcome! Awesome post! I hope to some day be able to be a marshal. Another guy posted a while back about his experience with KVD and a couple others. He had a great experience too.
  15. You should get an email a week or so before each event. With that said there have been times they sent me the email an hour before launch.
  16. Could be. The BR group was set up last week on Bassmaster but they had a mix up and everything was reopened and fixed yesterday or the day before. I'm guessing it being early was a bit of the problem. Everything's good to go now. Spread the word! MassBassin508 is the man who set it up. I can't take credit for it. Lol
  17. I was mocking the people who post stuff they shouldn't and try to delete it not realizing the internet is written in ink.
  18. ? all you have to do is hit delete and it's gone from the internet isn't it? Lol
  19. Bassmaster group name: BRgroup password: BR1234 these are caps sensitive. As far as I know there isn't one for FLW.
  20. Crazy video! Sad thing is I counted 5-6 boats cruise by and none stopped. It wasn't until boat 7 I think came by that somebody finally stopped! Great reminder though.looking back at when I was growing up Walleye fishing the Bay de Nocs we never wore them. Boy was I lucky and things have changed for the better.
  21. Just got on the Bass Resource Group Fantasy Fishing and there's 7 of us so far. Let's see if we can keep this thread at the top so we can round up some more for our group. The bass boat c... Group has 67. Can we catch up to them?
  22. Don't worry I lose mine every year! Lol
  23. I too get a little bored with the dink fest, however in return you do get to see how these guys die-sect in most cases an unknown body of water. I look at it as a trade off from the dink fest.
  24. I did see a while back how the points were awarded. If I remember correctly it's how well they do throughout they year? I think Jason Quinn and Byron Velvick last year were knocked down to the select bracket and a couple of the select guys moved up. If you're in the selects group you have to fish move and do better to make it to the summit cup. I think I have it right, if I don't someone will chime in and steer me and you in the right direction.
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