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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. I've lived in Michigan my entire life. I didn't realize until about ten years ago that perch are/were an invasive species to Lake Michigan and I think I saw that one of the salmon or trout were planted in the lake for some reason I don't remember why but they're an invasive species. They turned out ok, but these ugly nasty things would never turn out for the better. I agree. Gobies and zebra muscles are bad. Gobies=bigger smallmouth zebra muscles= clear water but the effect both are doing is irreversible andunstoppable.
  2. Don't get me wrong I don't take what I see or watch as gospel. I merely look at it as try this and see what happens. I just find the contradictions interesting.
  3. I try to soak up as much information as I can regarding bass fishing like most of us do. Looking back at the numerous articles I've read and shows I've watched, I've noticed there tends to be info that contradicts other info. Two examples that quickly comes to mind are match the hatch. We hear it all the time "match the hatch" I've also heard/seen some say they don't pay a whole lot of attention to it as far as color goes. Another is barometric pressure. We've all heard that after a front comes through the bite shuts down for a day or two depending on the front. I specifically remember reading an Infisherman article last year saying that research shows that a large swing in pressure one way or another doesn't effect fish the way most people think that it does. What gives? What your opinion? What are other contradictions you've seen over the years?
  4. I hope somebody can come up with something to keep these fish out of the Great Lakes! I don't want to see any d**n fish flying out of the Great Lakes!
  5. T9's School of Bass Fishing! I'll work on getting a trade mark on that! You have a pretty good résumé so far.
  6. So Wheeler is the one you took under your wing? I saw one of your posts a week ago or so about a touring pro you've worked with along the way. I figured it was him since you're both from Indiana but didn't want to ask. I think he's going to do big things in the next few years on the Elites. Side note still reading through what you sent me....pretty informative. Thanks!
  7. Is that what Chris Lane was throwing? I've never seen one, but man he was smokin' them with whatever it was!
  8. Weather condition,moon phase,wind direction,color of lure,depth,retrieval speed,barometric pressure if you're into that,water clarity, that should get you started.
  9. 4 more days to sign up!
  10. Big sky country! Always wanted to visit Montana looks beautiful! Northwest Nebraska is as far as I've made it. Anything west of the Mississippi to the Rockies is where I should've been planted. Welcome aboard!
  11. Those are the big box store prices aren't they Wayne? One could find them cheaper couldn't they?
  12. 24 degrees? I'm heading your way then! 16 in Michigan wind chill......drum roll please....3! Side note I work outside. ?
  13. Welcome aboard! Plenty of great people on here. There's no end to the knowledge you can gain here!
  14. The way I set mine up is similar to you. I read and it's worked for me... losen the tension knob enough that the lure descends to the floor just enough that when it hits the floor the spool stops without letting out more line. I'd go with one of these two methods and adjust from there as you get more comfortable with how your lure casts.
  15. BOEmarine,GPS nation, digital oasis. From talking to the guys in the electronics forum these are reputable and authorized dealers. Don't hesitate to ask guys in the electronics forum.
  16. Shop on-line fishing electronics stores for your Helix finders, you'll most likely safe enough to buy another reel even with the Bass Pro sale.
  17. Good call A-Jay with the mono didn't think about losing line to backlash. Which reminds me I have a giant backlash I have to cut out sometime before the ice melts. Thanks for the reminder! That thing almost turned me off to them. Now I rarely ever use spinning gear. Thinking about finesse fishing this year so I just might use spinning gear again. I need to find some patience first.
  18. Rhino was my first caster, $30 I think. Biggest piece of junk I ever bought! Lol
  19. Tip: read the instructions or watch videos on how to best set it up (brake/tension) Tip: take a 1/4 3/8oz jig or weight and practice in your yard, by spring you'll be good to go, that's what I did anyways. Worked for me.
  20. You wouldn't be disappointed with the Abu Garcia Black Max,Silver Max, or Pro Max. I have several of each. All are under your budget and all are easy to learn on. I wish I had gotten one to learn with. I went cheaper than these and almost gave up on baitcasters. I've never personally used the Diawa but several on here have and they sound pretty nice. If you go with either of these you won't be disappointed.Fluorocarbon line would work just fine (as long as you're not using top water) braid wouldn't be bad either. Good luck and enjoy your new baitcaster.
  21. All I ever fish are small state land lakes or small public lakes with little to no boat traffic or fishing. The biggest I've caught so far is 5 lbs 8 oz. I couldn't imagine a bass double that size swimming around Michigan waters. I'm not saying there aren't but I'm thinking they're few and far between. I'm going to keep searching for them though.
  22. Deer and spring turkey here in Michigan. There's nothing better than a big ole tom gobbling 15 yards away from you!
  23. I fail horribly every year too so no worries! But there's always that chance!
  24. 9 days until the first Elite event. Still plenty of time to sign up! If you're interested in joining the BassResource league just ask or scroll through the thread and we'll help you out.
  25. It makes sense for drop shotting. Fluorocarbon on spinning gear is a mess in my opinion.
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