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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Go figure. I was sitting pretty good before the launch today. After the cut today I might be left with two maybe three guys. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. Walker needs one stinkin' fish and he should make the cut.
  2. I haven't watched Bassmaster Live so I don't know, but Ehrler has to have more than two fish in his boat. Maybe he's fishing in an area with bad cell service? Wishful thinking anyways.
  3. Give me a couple tournaments and I'll be battling you for last place.
  4. Ehrler tanking x2 and Menendez for me last I looked. Still time left though.
  5. Are you cracking the whip and telling us to get back to work? ?
  6. Gotcha. Yes I am working. I'm fortunate I work by myself, my truck is my office. Work is slow (winter in Michigan). In about a month or two I'll been busier and won't be on as much during the day. Good for you for having the drive to take college classes at the ripe age of 16! Man if I had a do over!
  7. Just curious....your profile shows you're 16, aren't you in school?
  8. Interesting! I have a W&M casting reel I took apart to fix. Got the problem fixed but now the brakes aren't working properly. I'm going to consider sending it in to you. Good to know!
  9. The guy that won the whole thing a couple years ago said he was in the middle of the standings 3/4 of the way through the season and people quit gave up and he made a big push and ended up winning the whole thing! Like Ike says "NEVER GIVE UP!"
  10. Bass tracks strikes again! I liked the bass tracks standings a lot better than the actual standings. Oh well today's a new day. I didn't realize that our group size got up to 40! Way to go, makes it more fun with more people.
  11. Their marketing works very well! I've seen comments before on Bassmaster where a pro shows off their boat and show their "catch all box" and readers comment "they have brand x in there, they're not sponsored by them". I really don't buy into it anymore either, I buy what I want to try and try it. I'm with Darren I've learned and trust more on here than I do from someone getting a check to push a product.
  12. I think a lot of us made the mistake of picking Walker. There's goes the $3k for me! Lol there's 3 days left.
  13. I look at it like this...if I had an endless supply of food I'd stick around and gorge as much as possible! If I ate it all or it disappeared I'd for sure move on and find another buffet to hang out by a munch all day.
  14. My wife would love that! We had four Pugs, just had to put two of them down 9 days apart in January, and my wife is totally heart broken over it. Excellent job on this one and the others you've done. You have quite the talent for wood carvings!
  15. Did anybody else choose Menendez? He's overdue closer to home so I gave him a shot.
  16. Defoe,Ehler,Menendez,Walker,Wheeler for me
  17. Get the addresses of everybody in the United States send them a letter asking for $1. Who wouldn't be willing to part with $1? Your profile shows you're a Nigerian prince....you have millions in the bank you just need somebody to fork over the cash to get it out. Just give them 15% who wouldn't want that kind of return? Both are fool proof! I can't believe nobody else thought of it? I wish I were a Nigerian prince! Some people have all the luck.
  18. 4 in the top 15 for me! d**n you Walker you always let me down!!! ?
  19. Right on fellas! Launch is tomorrow bright and early! Good luck! Anyone can still sign up until launch tomorrow morning.
  20. Just cough up a couple grand get the Minkota with auto deploy and launch your boat like the guy on the commercial. Problem solved! ?
  21. From what I understand none of the states really agree on anything about this and some don't seem to care. On top of that my governor seems to have been pre occupied with the Flint water crisis and is now trying to save his rear end because of the whole mess, so the carp have taken a back seat. IMO
  22. As the crow flys! ? another term we use up here in BFE!
  23. Zebra muscles spread like wild fire and zebra muscles feed on plankton which is how the filter the water. Spreading like wild fire and eating plankton sets off a chain reaction that works it wall all the way to the top of the food chain. Yes they've did some good in some opinions but bottom line they're not supposed to be there.
  24. I really don't foresee any possible way to keep them out of Lake Michigan unfortunately short of closing the shipping lane from Illinois which will never happen.
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