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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Zona's Awesome Fishing Show takes the cake for me,Facts of Fishing,MLF, then Timmy Horton's show are my tops. I'm hoping Money Fish would cut out the music and focus on bass fishing because they have a pretty good pro staff and product.
  2. I'm thinking out side the box on this one and I'm going to pick the guys who specialize in trolling! Just keep that between me and you though! ?
  3. I'm willing to bet that most if not everyone on here would agree that Bobby Lane and Skeet Reese just to name a couple who break their rods out of anger is a very bad look. The conversation was about Aaron Martins and his little quirks. I think everybody has said that they respect the hell out of his fishing abilities. The little quirks just happened to be the topic of the day is all.
  4. It was worth a shot. ?
  5. That's what I hear
  6. Ok I'll admit I totally fell for it! I even thanked him and told my wife that not only is there a chance at $3k Bps gift card there's a chance at $1k gift cards from Circuit City. I googled it when I read your post. Good one Guys! ?
  7. Glenn's a good guy! Not sure what you could buy with that at Circuit City...a piece of paper? Lol
  8. I couldn't remember the name. Everybody look up bobo's thumper and watch what the fish do!
  9. Do you still have that thumper video?
  10. Where's Wayne with his thumper video? That video will make you think twice about boat noise/transducer noise.
  11. It's getting serious now! Curiosity got this cat, I looked at the exchange rate of the IRR and I must say that is very generous Glenn! ?
  12. Thank you for awarding that to each winner! It's only been one event but it's been extremely fun!
  13. Listen to what Wayne has to say. He is a wizard when it comes to these things. He will help you out with what you need, and steer you in the right direction and not suggest more than you want or need. I'm no expert, I've been reading up on these units for about a year now so I'm only one step ahead of you.
  14. Just wondering how the Big O is fishing? What pattern are they in right now and will be in, in the next two weeks? What are they being caught on? Thanks!
  15. Do yourself a favor and do more research,watch videos, and ask all the questions you want until you understand side imaging, otherwise you're limiting yourself. DI is great but you're really limited to what you can see unless you only fish deep water. Stick with the research, once you get it it'll click and you'll be amazed!
  16. I too was disappointed with my finish ( 74th percentile ) Ehrler bombing on day 2 was a complete shock. Oh well still a lot of season left. Moving onto the Big O which will be interesting.
  17. His whining really annoys me too. I said before I respect his fishing ability but that's about it. To each their own I guess? ?
  18. Welcome aboard! As a fellow Michigander it's tough getting through these winter months, but Bass Resource really helps! Great site, great info, and great people!
  19. I respect his fishing ability, but I agree he drives me up the wall!
  20. Yes you can still play with no issues. Welcome to the group!
  21. What kind of pattern are they going to be in for the Big O?
  22. Not looking good for Menendez for me today, I knew he was a long shot to make the cut today but was hoping to get a few more points out of him. Will still have Wheeler and Defoe. Ike is having a good tournament so far. I didn't expect that.
  23. A lot of big names didn't fair too well today which killed my fantasy fishing. Quite a few did good Thursday then bombed today. There are quite a few "rookies" at top.
  24. With some of the top guys bombing today there's no telling what tomorrow will bring.
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