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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. How do you resolve this or is it just a matter of limiting the amount you have?
  2. As of right now I only fish 3-4 different lake a year. I see what you're saying where it could be a pain.
  3. Awesome! That's what I figured but thought I'd ask. Thanks Wayne!
  4. When it comes to what you're referring to, I agree 100%. I would pay to have that done, I wouldn't attempt it. For a simple install I would do that and probably will.
  5. That's what I figured but thought I'd ask. Thanks!
  6. I've decided when I get my new boat in a few months I'm going to get 2 Helix 7 si models. I've been comparing the g2 and the g2n and the g2n is a bit more and momma bear is already going to kill me for spending that much on 2 units, so I'll buy her a puppy or something and all will be forgotten. My question is could I save my waypoints from one unit on an sd card and load them to the other unit?
  7. When I get my new boat and units I was thinking about paying to have it in stalled but $90/hr is steep! I can't imagine it's too difficult is it besides snaking the wires? I've hooked up several CD players,speakers,and amps back in my younger dumber days and never managed to burn any vehicles down so it shouldn't be any harder would it?
  8. I totally agree with you on this! I'm really not sure what the difference is between these sports but there aren't the huge egos in hockey. There are superstars of the game but it doesn't seem to be as many or at least they don't make themselves known every time they're on the ice. Maybe its because there isn't the gigantic contracts as other sports. Either way it's a sport that has good role models for young kids but yet is falling to the wayside of the other sports with contracts almost as big as the egos! It's a rough and tough game but after the final buzzer most are friends at the end of the game on and off the ice. If only other sport athletes could be role models like hockey players and not be so egotistical other professional sports wouldn't be too bad to stomach.
  9. I'm going to put in my two cents. I'll start off by saying I don't currently own any updated electronics. I am reading,asking,and watching before I make my purchases. That being said Wayne is not only the Humminbird guy on here but on another forum that has a thread dedicated just for Humminbird. I do believe I read recently too that he has field tested some Humminbird models before they even became public. I'm not sure how that works but I'm assuming he knows his stuff and Humminbird knows he know his stuff. I also read on your Smart Strike thread that you spoke with tech. support and they barely knew anything about it! That would be a major red flag for me! Is it true tech. support or some guy reading step by step instructions from an outdated manual? Who knows? Don't get me wrong I have heard awesome things on our their support and customer service. However if they aren't too sure about a product that's been out for a little while would make me think twice about their answer on your tm transducer. Will it work? Yes but you'll have issues, and it sounds like you want to get into tourney fishing so the less issues the better! My advice would be to call tech. support three different times and see what all of them say. Or ask to speak to an engineer. Or trust Wayne. The other forum I've talked about all of them including a Humminbird sponsored pro says trade in and get the puck. Good luck to you and congrats on the new boat and equipment.
  10. Yup he owned both the Tigers and Wings. Made his billions as the founder/owner of Little Caesar's Pizza. He was one of a kind. He knew every player by first name treated them all as his son's. A lot of former Wings are in the front office now. It was revealed after his passing he paid Rosa Parks's rent for her for years. He never got to see his Tigers win the World Series or see his new arena finished.
  11. I imagine he was sweating a little. 11 pounds on Sunday at Okeechobee usually isn't going to get you a win. It's good to see him win again, I like Timmy he seems like a good guy.
  12. My bad they moved in 95. Must be the concussion fogged my memory. Lol Things have gone down hill the past few years. I though their new coach would do great things, he did at their farm team down the road from me but oh well. Now that Mike Illich has past away who knows what direction they're going to go with the Wings and Tigers?
  13. I've watched hockey for 25 or so years and played for 10 years. It's a fun game to play and a rough one too. A concussion and a separated shoulder and a scar across the bridge of my nose are my battle wounds from the playing days I made it out pretty unscaved. Being from Michigan I'm a big Wings fan. They've had a pretty good record setting playoff streak that will no doubt come to and end this year. You can't beat the good old days in the early 90's with the wings and the avalanche!
  14. I was wondering the same thing
  15. My assumption would be if they started inflating while you're fishing in the rain they wouldn't sell worth a darn and you'd have a lot of ticked off anglers. Dave Mercer on Bassmaster live last year jumped in the lake with a Mustang PDF and it took like 4-5 seconds for it to inflate, so my guess would be it has to be submerged for a bit.
  16. Nice one! The ice is gone in Michigan so I'll be a field tester. Lips are sealed.
  17. I here ya but the season is still young.
  18. They get paid too good to say otherwise. I agree with you but its their income.
  19. How could Florida anglers like Chris Lane and Scroggins do so horrible?
  20. Dean "the Machine" 2 in the tank for 10-8! He might be on them today. Hopefully he can pick it apart today and bring in a 25-30lb bag.
  21. 88th percentile with two guys in 60 63rd places goes to show you that everyone is struggling with this tourney.
  22. Interesting video. I've always wondered and maybe someone can chime in and answer my question....for fish that have very small teeth like bass and others what do they do to kill the fish they eat? Watching this video it appears that the fish that was eaten either died after the first chomp or it just decided it was his time. Think of a bluegill or other fish that have very sharp dorsal fins if a fish eats it and it doesn't die immediately that could/would be uncomfortable! So what does a small toothy fish do to kill it prey?
  23. That's good to hear. At least I'll have one guy in the top 50.
  24. X2 ^^^^
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