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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. This is just an assumption on my part but submerged wood doesn't decay under water so I'd assume graphite,carbon, or what ever its made out of wouldn't. I'd be more worried about the reel. Like J Francho said I'd service it and give it a try. You wouldn't be out anything and have one sweet set up if it works out!
  2. At that rate A-Jay after 24 years we'd be a year younger. Nope just double checked my math we'd be a day younger! Even worse!
  3. You could move to Arizona or Hawaii neither participate in daylight savings.
  4. Not much of a movie watcher. There's no denying that the police and government officials have or had been paid off. And there's no denying that fisherman and recreational boaters have been killed and robbed in Mexican waters. I'm not saying the lodges aren't safe and I'm not saying things like that don't happen in our country in not that dumb to think that. All I'm saying is like with everything research before committing to something.
  5. He sure did and got ticked when I mentioned Huk and said I love their product, implying if you're not happy give them a try. Kinda weird if you ask me.
  6. "Melanosis" or tatoos in laymen terms
  7. I can help you out...take only one type of lure and fish it all year. Next year pick another type and repeat. This is what Mike Iaconelli did when he was young. It'll help you through your addiction, you'll get to know every lure inside and out, save you money, and will for sure make you a pro! J/K he did do this though, I'm not sure I'd have the patience to do it. Maybe that's why he's a pro and I'm nowhere close!
  8. Does she have a sister? ? Just kidding I love my wife and she loves when when I don't buy "fishing crap" her words not mine.
  9. We have some resident robins and geese but have seen more than usual here in Michigan the past week or two. I've also seen a ton of red winged black birds and sand hill cranes are back, the one that did it for me Tuesday morning was I saw a frog of all things jumping around by my house, so I know we're close! With that said...2-4" of snow Monday! ?
  10. Cool video. The Loon is one majestic bird with a sound no human in their right mind could ever forget or want to miss out on hearing! Natures music is all I need and all I want after being around noisy humans all day.
  11. You could pick up a Helix 7 DI g1 for around $350
  12. The ice has been gone for about a week or so here in central Michigan. Not sure on the water temp but I'm itching to get out and give it a shot. Head south A-Jay open water all over!
  13. Those are some nice images!
  14. Do what ScottF said. My brother in-law used to work at Motorguide here in Michigan (boy I miss those days) and he said they could get 30 foot or more this was a few years ago. I buy one of these and I can't get it to work from the back of my boat....I have a 14' boat! Like I said this was a few years ago maybe things have changed but I'd see for yourself to be safe.
  15. He was wondering about CHIRP.
  16. I did a quick on-line search and it looks like some 73sv models do and some don't. From what I saw if they do have CHIRP you'll know because it'll be advertised in big letters. That's on-line anyways.
  17. I was talking to a deal era couple day ago about the boat I'm going to order and mentioned an upgrade to 24v and he said the 12v system would be plenty. He said it's not a thrust issue it's the longevity people are looking for and to take care of that you wire another battery in series to give you longevity. I don't know if he's right or wrong but thought I'd pass it along for something to look into.
  18. Isn't Conroe realitively shallow?
  19. My advice would be to look for a 12-14' boat. They're pretty easy to come by and pretty reasonable. Don't worry about an outboard you're 15 they break down and cost money when you don't expect it or have it. Go get a 12v trolling motor and a battery at Wal-Mart $200 max is what you'll spend for those 2. Then you have a maintenance free boat that's cheep and will last you forever. That's what I did when I was 19. That's all I ever needed and I've always caught fish and had fun. You're 15 you don't need a money pit, you'll have fun, catch fish, and learn learn learn! 14 years after I bought my boat I'm finally ready to up grade. Basically 14 years and the only money I've put into it is a couple batteries and a trolling motor the trolling more was my choice not because I had to. Keep it simple and you'll enjoy it more and the fish don't care! Good luck with your search.
  20. I didn't realize it's that small. Sounds like it might be like an MLF event where they're fishing on top of each other and cutting off guys who are making their way down the bank.
  21. I hear ya Catt....started new years eve off with the 24 hour flu (way to ring in the new year) 7 days later we had to put our 12 year old dog down (unexpected) 9 days later we had to put our 17 year old dog down! First time losing a dog let alone 2. That's a gut punch. Then we had a cancer scare with my sister in-law, everything is good now after surgery. Then uncle Sam unexpectedly reached in my pocket and yanked a bunch of money out! January winter in Michigan all there is to do is dwell on the misfortunes. January sucked! I woke up this morning and a new season isn't too far away so I can't complain. Sorry for your loss and keep that head up and that line wet Catt.
  22. Who says close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades?
  23. There ya go! I was close.
  24. I think they might be considered a pieball (probably spelled wrong) deer. Not too common but not as rare as an albino.
  25. Makes sense. The reason I asked was I've seen screen shots of some that shows a lot of disturbance and some with little to none.
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