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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. The skin cancer message has been pretty strong rightfully so. I haven't read all the posts on this so I apologize if its been said already but don't forget about your eyes! Most if not all of us wear our shades while fishing. I work in the utility field so I'm outside all day every day. When I first started I saw these guys wearing sunglasses even when it was really overcast. I eventually asked why and their response was simple but something I never thought about. The sun damages your skin and will damage your eyes. We've all been sunburned and see what it does right away and we learn from it. The damage that's being done to your eyes you don't see until your older and possibly too late. So whether its sunny, cloudy, winter, or any season don't forget about your eyes!
  2. At one point there was 5 pounds separating first from fifth! That really was a great show. I think KVD's biggest downfall that day was the fact that he's KVD. He made the comment that the sun wasn't out and that would hurt the small mouth bite. He's the man when it comes to small mouth (large mouth too) he took a gamble and tried to get on a school of them but it just didn't work for him. I was glad to see ike pull it off and win. The past couple years he's gotten back to the Ike of old. He's settled down some, yes he can still be a spaz but it seems like since he remarried and had a couple more kids he's more focused and I think we'll see more good things come from Ike.
  3. If you run both at the same time isn't there a good possibility of interference?
  4. Maybe it's the coffee! ?
  5. Lol. If that's all you charge for your guide services all grab 2 tubes of Megastrike and 2 cups of flammable coffee and gladly drive the 2 or so hours northeast to catch some smallies!
  6. What kind of coffee you drink? ?
  7. The complaints I saw for the settings not being saved was for the Striker models. I have a hard time believing too that option was overlooked or not considered.
  8. Not sure if you were serious about the Flex Seal but I used it and its worked so far. Not sure how long but it surprisingly has worked for me.
  9. Mother nature does what she wants. The laws of gravity and physics don't apply to her. Cool pics!
  10. Can you get a Garmin with echomaps for under $300? I know the Striker series are pretty cheap, but they don't have mapping, and from what I've read if you adjust your settings they aren't saved and need to be reset every time you power up. Big bummer in my mind. If you don't mind not having mapping and don't mind resetting your sensitivity and other things every time then yes they are a great deal. You can get a Striker 7dv for just over $300 which I think is a great deal! But there's the trade-off.
  11. $28 for a bigger Johnson rod? That's a steal! The description says insert between 70-90 degrees.... I wouldn't insert it anywhere 70 degrees. There's something wrong with that! You're right its the middle of March!
  12. The muffler bearings are on back order, along with blinker fluid if you're looking for that too. No shipping date yet. They did just get a huge shipment in of aluminum magnets in though. You better order them quick before they fly off the shelf!
  13. Hook it up and go back to the first Bassmaster Classic and take a picture of every ones faces with your phone! ?
  14. X2 on the Vendetta Gen2. I use a black max with it and have no issues at all. I don't even own a spinning set up. With that said after reading everything on here all winter long that's about to change so I can expand my options and try new things.
  15. My first bait caster was a Rhino which was absolutely the worst. Then I upgraded to the Black Max, Silver Max, and the Pro Max. I have several of each. They work great for me and I've never spent more than $100 on a rod. Are these the best? No. But I can't afford to buy a rod or reel that's $200 Or more. I still catch fish and have fun and that's what its about. I could probably benefit by have expensive set ups but I'm still going to catch fish at the end of the days. There will come a day where I'll get something more expensive but for now I don't care and the fish don't either. Don't worry about the expensive stuff right now. Just practice and catch fish and most importantly have fun. The expensive stuff will come with time.
  16. Well this thread is the ice out thread but there seems to be a pattern here. It should be renamed the "ice out ice in winter sucks" thread. With temps well below freezing a lot of the bigger lakes are freezing over again up here!
  17. What no update on the food?
  18. I saw a frog last Monday and now it's 19 with 2 inches of snow and smaller lakes froze again. Game off! ?
  19. You are not alone! I too am the same way. My abnormal behavior began over 2 decades ago and progressively has gotten worse. I'm guessing most if not all of us on here are the same. Us abnormal humans like to stick together. We can all thank Glenn for giving us a place to congregate! Just remember the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. Just keep in mind I've been fighting this addiction for 2 decades and its gotten worse so you have a long road a head of you. Enjoy the ride!
  20. I'd go with a Helix 5di. The big box stores have them at or below $300. If you do some searching you could find a marine electronics store for cheaper than that. You could save a little more if you wanted to and get a "side seeing" unit.
  21. Are you in the 1',2',Or 3' zone? Didn't that furry little ba#%*rd in your home state say spring was only 6 weeks away almost 6 weeks ago? ? It warmed up here in Michigan and the ice was all gone. Now we have 2" of snow and 2" of ice. Not nearly as bad as you guys out east but still sucks!
  22. I'd have them install it now rather than later.
  23. Hopefully no one on here is around you. I'm guessing everyone on here is pretty honest though.
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