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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. They asked what a ram mount was? It's a marina? RED FLAG IS FLYING HIGH!!!
  2. Weird...the fine print just disappeared from my wish to be you for a week or two! ?
  3. What I did and I'm sure you could do it with the block. I predrilled my holes and then put silicone in the holes then install the transducer and have never had issues. What I'd do is the same thing plus run a bead of silicone around the back of the block and should be worry free for years.
  4. Ok. That makes sense just wanted to make sure it was still a valid practice.
  5. I imagine. Lol that's why I said a week or 2. The fine print was I could quit at any minute lol
  6. What you're saying about the temp. change would the same be said for a temp. change in the other direction? I've read in the past to put ice in your livewell is that valid or would/could that hurt the fish?
  7. So you're not 100% sold on CHIRP? I don't have anything with CHIRP just curious.
  8. Oops!
  9. I'm envious of you Glenn! You get to have dinner with great people ( Jacob Wheeler) hang out with Ztrain, interview this person that person. Discuss things with reps. and manufacturers. What a life! I imagine there's a lot of work that's goes into it and you work your tail off, but man to be Glenn for a week or two.
  10. Wait a minute...isn't that how we're supposed to pick them?
  11. That has to be hard for you especially since you have a brand new 360 imagining you haven't been able to play with yet! That's pure torture in my eyes.
  12. Still ice?! Holy cow! I guess I didn't realize you were that much colder up there than me. What a difference a couple hours north makes.
  13. I once caught a 26lb large mouth while fishing by myself. I didn't want the attention or the world record so I let her go. I've never told anybody this story until now. I'm guessing I'll win this for sure! I'll never forget that fish for as long as I live! ?
  14. My only complaint about the show....there isn't enough of them! We need 25 episode seasons! I can't get enough of the show. Being from Michigan the new season starts in the winter and helps to survive the winter just to have the season end late winter. Just when I think I'm going to make it through the winter watching the show the rugs pulled out from beneath me and back to my dark damp cave I go until 50 degree temps arrive. If anyone should be cloned it should be Z to split hit time so we could get more shows!
  15. I haven't had the boat out yet but I've tried a river a couple times that has smallies in it, no luck. It felt good though to be holding a rod and casting! No water temp. To report. Really itching though to get out on the boat and chase after the green fish!
  16. Close Bryan Kerchal
  17. Like WRB said swings are free so swing away!
  18. 6 cameramen for the final day of the classic?! Give me a camera and I'd do it for free! The picture would probably be as jumpy as the Blair Witch Project was but at least things might not have been missed.
  19. I understand they are edited way down and I do agree it could be boring during a regular event. But for the classic even if they did the final weigh-ins that's only 25 guys and they could do recaps or highlights like they do on live. It would be worth a shot just to see what the response would be.
  20. I agree. There was a lot of pomp and circumstance with the classic and it did feel like another Elite event. It was an absolutely great event with it going right down to the wire and with Jordan coming out of nowhere, you couldn't script it any better! I like that the classic was moved to later in the "spring" (I use that term loosely for you southern boys). Imagine if the classic would've been the first event like it has been for so many years? We would all be saying the Classic was a nail biter, this is going to be a great season! It still can be and maybe a great season but it just felt like another Elite event. As far as Kennedy and Ehrler getting pushed off the stage that's a bad deal and a bad look. That's happened so many times to other great anglers. I could understand if they were under time constraints with tv but they werent, let the guys talk! That brings me to something else. Why not air the weigh-ins on live tv? Or at least the final 2 days? They might be concerned with viewers not watching when it comes on in a month or so but I for one would watch both. It was a great classic which I'm sure left several anglers playing "what if" in their minds. These anglers are the best in the world at what they do and always put on a good show. I just hope BASS can keep up, listen to the anglers and their fans and make some changes to make it even better!
  21. Not I. After each tourney I look through the Tackle Warehouse group and scratch my head wondering how these people come up with these picks? This one guy in 4th for the whole thing had 4 guys in the top 8 or something like that. I wish I were that good.
  22. Bill Busbice?
  23. Pretty sure it crashed I can't even bring it up.
  24. I'm a slower learner than you...I've yet to pick him.
  25. I remember somebody a while back started a thread about conflicting info in the fishing world...? I'm reading all posts and learning.
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