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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. After seeing Andy Montgomery work his magic and watching Zona's show last week, this is my goal this year to learn to skip a caster under docks. My list keeps growing. I think I might need to move south where the fishing season is longer than 6-7 months. Zona if you're reading this, I might make the 2 hour drive south so if a weird looking guy knocks on your door, he just wants to learn to skip docks.
  2. Just a 6-7 pounder in Michigan? That's a monster in Michigan buddy! I'd keep fishing Houghton Lake if I were you, especially when the water temp. gets to that magical number.
  3. Considering it was Houghton Lake a few years ago I'd say it was probably 12 pounds even, which means if it wouldn't have went under the boat your line probably wouldn't have broke and you would've broke the 84 year old record by 1oz! How's that for a kick in the nuts?! Edit: just read again that it threw the spinner bait, my bad! You still were so close to breaking the record some think will never be broke. ?
  4. It's always fun to see them light up. Last year we were fishing off a bridge into a "river" and my wife broke off so I was at the truck tying a new hook on. My 6 year old son grabbed my bait caster and made a cast without me knowing. Then all I hear is "I got one I got one"! To my surprise here he is with my rod reeling in a smallmouth! He managed the bait caster pretty well a little nest but not too bad. The rest of the night he was strutting around thinking he was cool.
  5. Welcome! I'm a couple counties north in Montcalm.
  6. I'm still learning so every little bit of info helps a ton. Like always thanks for the info/help!
  7. Interesting, I didn't know 2D exaggerates the returns. If you make your chart speed faster on imagining like you're saying does that have any negative effects? i.e. distortion
  8. I see what you re saying. I noticed a subtle change on the original posters screen shot. I guess I was looking for something more defined like your screen shot. How come it just looks like weeds in the do? Is this because its the compact transducer?
  9. Back to the question at hand...what is it? Looking at the di and the sonar I'm not seeing a brush pile.
  10. What county is that in? I have a bass lake not too far from me, I don't think it's the same one.
  11. Like Fishballer said try a sidearm cast or something in between. I have the same problem when I cast overhead. I switched to a sidearm cast and no problems since.
  12. In my state (MI) I believe you don't need a license until 18 as long as you're with a licensened angler. Our license just went up $10-15 a year or two ago. That's something to think about. Chances are they'll go up again over the course of your life. I'd say if you could afford it I'd do it. The worst that comes from it is you've donated to a good cause.
  13. So what do you do, fish ahead of them with their gear and let them know when you have one on and they just edit out you handing them the pole with a fish on?
  14. My season starts May 1. I'm taking my 6 year old out and he's counting down the days. There's nothing better than a big 'ole Tom in front of you gobbling his head off! Nice bird! Glad to see a kid out in the woods!
  15. I actually prefer the Blackmax over the silver and prefer the Promax over both. To each their own.
  16. X2 for the Abu reels. I have 4 Blackmax 1 Silvermax, and 2 Prima. Oh and a God awful Hank Parker reel. The Silvermax is ok but I absolutely love the Black and Promax reels. IMO these are the best reels for someone on a budget.
  17. When is the next event?
  18. Welcome from Montcalm county Michigan!
  19. Your story is similar to mine around '00-'01 my friend and I saved our money and each bought a bait caster. Well young, dumb, and knew everything didn't read directiins. Spooled them up, tied on lures and away we went. After 45 minutes and we were on our way to take them back because we couldn't get more than 15' each cast. Fast forward a few years, buy a new one read the directions and what do ya know....it went further than 15'! Now all I pretty much use is baitcasters.
  20. What about Mille lacs?
  21. Yup Maze and Blue!
  22. I'm a Utility Locate Technician. I locate underground utilities so they aren't damaged ( that's the idea some contractors don't follow that idea LOL). For you Michigan guys Miss Dig...that's me. Ohio I think it's called Oops funny enough. It's a job and putting in the time and gaining the experience to climb the ladder and turn it into a career. I can't and won't complain. I'm on my own and always outside! Nobody watching over your shoulder and bugging you. Call 811 before you dig it's VERY expensive/dangerous when utilities get damaged. ?
  23. It's a fish. ?
  24. Be sure to report back on how it went.
  25. Quick question what is "carrier" mean when referring to braided line? How many braids would be a logical guess I think.
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