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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. I did see that option. I just followed J Francho's advice and it worked out. Thanks!
  2. Every time I post a new picture I've taken it's sideways. I posted one the other day my wife sent me of my dog and it was fine. I've posted pics in the past and everything was good. I did get a new phone a couple months ago and since then sideways pics. Any ideas?
  3. How ironic, as I sit here in disbelief I didn't get that a gravel train comes by and drops a load of sand off at the job I'm at and all I can do it laugh! I see it several times a week, this is the only time in 7 years I've found it funny! Thanks Roadwarrior!!!! Just in case you didn't believe me. ?
  4. Went right over my apparent brainless head! ? I knew I was gambling by saying I didn't get it....exact reason why I don't gamble, never works out in my favor!
  5. Yup I'm a dumba$$!
  6. I watched the whole thing....I'm confused. Did you put it up as a distraction, to change the subject?
  7. I watch it just before going to sleep. Other than that it's working for the man, honey do list, or spending time with my son. That eats up most of my time this part of the year. Oh and fishing!
  8. Since there are so many Lake Menderchuck's in Michigan I'd really love to find the one he and KVD fished in that episode. What a lake to produce that many big fish! I know which Menderchuck it isn't. ?
  9. Ah that's right, I remember now. If I happen to forget ill just play the song! See you soon! ? You're right....my bad. I think I was thinking of Mr. Biggelsworth.
  10. I put around 150-200 miles a day on my company vehicle and the idiots I see on a daily basis is mind blowing! I sometimes wonder why I had a child almost 7 years ago with all the idiot drivers out there "by the way son for your safety you're not getting you license until 18! Not because of you but everyone else" I hope to god he doesn't turn out to be one of "them" Lol they're getting more common where I live, you're spot on! We have "Michigan U-turns" those confuse the heck out of everyone not from Michigan.
  11. 10-4! I went through my rolladex looking for the directions to Lake Menderchuck and it seems I misplaced it. Could you give me the quickest easiest route there please?
  12. I wonder if we should start a support group?
  13. Yesterday was a sad day in the fishing world.....it was the season finale of Zona's Awesome Fishing Show! I'll probably survive the next 9 or so months by watching the old ones I have on DVR but come on Z-Train you have the best show on planet earth we need more! We also need more Greg Hackney holding a cat in a captains hat cameos.
  14. Well I guess if someone's going to get the VD's there's nobody better than the person who wished for them! ?
  15. It sure seems like there have been quite a few trolls on here lately.
  16. Hampster tails. Shhh
  17. You're not the only one. I have this launch I frequent quite often. Basically its a 10-12' with path cut through thick stuff. I have to back my boat down it about 150' hardly any room for error. Most times no issue other days I have to straighten out a couple times. Then there's another launch where its wide open....I have more problem with that one than the long narrow trail! People watching you will psych you out and make you do all sorts of crazy things. One tip I learned to help with the steering part if that's an issue, put your hand at the bottom of the steering wheel and the way you move your hand will be the way the boat moves instead of the opposite way when you hold the steering wheel up top. Also slow and steady wins the race! If you take your time you're more likely to go faster and make less mistakes.
  18. I'd suggest doing some pre fishing before your next tourney, and spend more time getting acclimated to your new boat. This way you can figure things out with being under a time crunch. As you probably know you don't need to catch a fish to play around with the livewell.
  19. The Kick Tail... Anybody remember it from about 11 or so years ago? "Hurry up and buy this cutting edge lure, before it's banned because it's too realistic!" What a piece of crap! Broke on the first cast.
  20. BUSTED!!!!
  21. Boy that fish ID really helps! I could see 3 with out it, and zero on DI at first glance. After zooming way in and comparing DI to 2d I could see a couple.
  22. There are a ton of guys on another forum who use them and love them and they're a sponsor on that forum, so I'd assume you're good. Slonezp should chime in and vouch for them I'm guessing.
  23. I have a wireless Motorguide and I'm not a big fan. It has nothing to do with the brand at all, I just don't care for the wireless. I have a keyfob and a foot control. The foot control is very moody, so much so I've given up on it! The keyfob works great....but if you're fighting a fish, or cranking and need to move you're screwed! You do one or the other not both. If the foot control worked better and laid out better it might be a different story. Keep in mind my trolling motor is 3-4 years old and a lot has changed. If I could afford one I might go with something like a new MG or Minkota.
  24. I just did a Google search "garmin stryker 4dv" and you can download the manual. Hope this helps.
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