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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. That's up to the mods to make the decision about your conduct. I will say it is in very poor taste. It's quite a parent you have a bone to pick with the OP, you're trolling, or a bone to pick with BR. Either way what's the point?
  2. He got me Saturday when I bought my wife a new spinning set up. I really like it and want one too. A wise man once said to me "it's better to ask for forgiveness than to ask permission". Any truth to this? ?
  3. Looks good! After installing you feel they'll last a while?
  4. Interesting. I always thought the clearer the water the lighter the fish. Is the bottom a dark color? Kind of looks like it could be in the picture. Either what you said makes sense, if they hide in the shadows or cracks I could see how they'd be darker colored.
  5. I finally finished watching the first episode at Eufaula last night. It was very tough and appeared to be very frustrating. The more I watch Bobby Lane the more respect I lose for him. I've learned a lot from watching him and he seems like a great guy who'd be fun to fish with and have a beer with. We've seen him break rods over his knee, slam them on the deck, and slap them on the side of his boat. As I watched last night there was less than a minute in period 3 and he caught a dunk that wasn't legal and out of anger/frustration chucked that fish over his shoulder. In my opinion that was a very bad look and completely in poor taste. Even if it would 've measured it wouldn't have helped him. There was less than a minute left so no penalty to pay really. He doesn't seem to care that there's a camera on him at all times. Some sort of suspension or fine should be coming his way in my opinion.
  6. I've added a floor to both tin boats I've owned. It's pretty easy IF you pay attention to what you're doing. I just put a floor with carpet and like T9 said couple hundred or less for that. If you want storage like he did it'll obviously be more and more complicated. Measure twice cut once and you'll be fine.
  7. Welcome aboard. It sure is a rush and addicting. The learning never ends, enjoy.
  8. Heck I carry those around without even knowing it.
  9. Huk makes their shirts up to 3x. Not sure if that'll work. I have 3 long sleeve, 1 short sleeve, and a swear shirt and I've been extremely happy with them all and the quality is great from my experience.
  10. A second vote for anything with DEET. Not sure if its true but I've been told it helps prevent poison ivy from irritating your skin too.
  11. Old Blackie, Black Momba, Slaunch Donkey, or just call it what it is a giant Smallie! You never disappoint A-Jay.
  12. Mark Zona calls the dark ones Black Mombas.
  13. You da man! Z-Train is going to be calling you for a Bronze back show soon.
  14. I to have been cursed with such good looks. I sometimes fall to my knees and look to the sky and scream a loud "Why me?!!!!!!!!"
  15. Goes to show you everyone's different. I prefer my Black Max over the silver and the pro over both.
  16. 2700lbs would put you in the tracker pro team 175 model and smaller.
  17. We sure do! Wasn't sure if I anyone got the sarcasm I was laying out. Lol At least the town I live in has the Danish festival so that's not too bad. The others....
  18. Up until a couple years ago when I really started to get serious about bass fishing I was always told it takes a good 48-72 hours after a cold front before the bite comes back. Honestly I've never had luck after a cold front, but I now know my approach was way wrong. My confidence still isn't all the way there but it's getting there when it comes to cold fronts. I can honestly say I've learned more in these 7 months I've been a member than I have in the past few years reading articles. You guys truely are great!
  19. UPDATE: Well the weather guessers in my area were wrong, the rain that they said was going to stay way south moved north towards me. They always blame Lake Michigan on the inaccuracies. We played it safe and didn't launch the boat. We grabbed the poles and hit a couple bridges. She caught one on her usual, 5" green pumpkin Senko (that's all she'll use is a Senko). I caught one I'd guess 1.5lbs on a 1/2 jig just scooting it across the bottom of the river. Both smallies. Bummed we couldn't launch the boat, but glad we got to fish. We went out to eat afterwards, and had a good time. Thanks for all your responses!
  20. Today's my wedding anniversary and my wife said she wanted to launch the boat and catch some fish (I know I'm lucky, I'm taking her out afterwards). Here's the thing, it's 30 degrees colder than it has been for the last 3-4 days. I'm in central Michigan, 30 degrees colder, cloudy wind out of the east. I've never had any luck with cold fronts. I've read from a ton of you that say you have no problem catching them so my thinking towards this cold front has changed from the past. What area of the 50 acre, natural lake would you focus on? Presentation? LMB btw Side question: I talked to a guy today and he said fish in the northern part of the country aren't as affected by cold fronts as the fish in the southern part of the country. Any truth to this? Thanks in advance for the replies, and thanks for all the knowledge you've shared on this forum, it true my is the best.
  21. I just looked around Rothbury and white Lake is right there and I'm 99% sure back about 4-5 years ago the Elite series had there all-star weekend there one of the days. I'm assuming if its good enough for them it has a decent fish or two. That's the best I can do for you.
  22. I saw that. The heck with an autograph or picture with him that guy got to rip a hook out of KVD's finger and it was on tv. Lol
  23. Just watched on Bassmaster the video from Rayburn day 1 on Shaw removing a treble hook from Jason Christie's hand. Just listening to him and watching Shaw push it through made me hold my breath and cringe for him. Stuff like that usually doesn't effect me at all. I think the sound coming from Christie is what did it. He said he cut part of a finger off before and the hook removal hurt worse! Check it out!
  24. You're right it isn't as good as a couple weeks ago but its better than full price.
  25. Just got an e-mail from Abu Garcia Wednesday and it appears they're doing another clearance sale 20-60% off. Vendetta rods were marked down a decent amount and a couple decent deals on some reels too.
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