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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Do they sell these units with counter weights so the boat doesn't list to one side? Lol
  2. You're good! On a weightless Senko.
  3. Family night bridge fishing. The wife actually set the hook started reeling saw how big it was and panicked, handed it to my son. He couldn't reel very much so he handed it to me. I finally was able to land it after a decent fight. A new PB 3lb 3oz. It was a good night.
  4. 12poundbass

    3lb 3oz

  5. From the album: 3lb 3oz

  6. I live in Michigan and the current state record for Largemouth set back in the mid '30s is 11lb 15oz so in order to break the record you'd need a......12 pound bass.
  7. I have no confidence in crank baits and always resort back to top water or my trusty Senkos. I try other things all the time and like you with Senkos if I don't get bit after a few casts back to the Senkos I go. My wife only uses Senkos and she always catches more than me. Last year 99% of the time I used Senkos and I caught more than her, first time in several years I actually caught more than her ( I'm not scared of saying she catches more lol)! After joining this forum in October I'm trying other things this year and so far.....you guessed it, her Senko loyalty is still ahead. It's ok though I'm just giving her a head start. ?
  8. Encourage them to keep practicing and they'll eventually get as good as you.
  9. 5 water related deaths in Michigan this past weekend. A couple swimmers, a yaker, and some boaters. One up in A-Jay's neck of the woods. I fished my entire life. As a kid mainly Saginaw bay and Bay de Nocs (big water that can turn on you in an instant). I always fished with my step dad, never once did we wear our pfd's even on 4+ mile runs. It wasn't until I was on here and watched the video of the college anglers making a run and the steering cable breaking and they're ejected, that I thought "boy were we dumb". Every Sunday my son and I go fishing in the morning. This past Sunday he wasn't paying attention to the rope and I ran it over and it broke. There went the boat! I used to be a great swimmer when I was a kid. I'm older, fatter, and out of shape. I made it to the boat ( approx. 30 yrd swim ) but if I had to swim or just stay afloat for a while I'd be on the other side of the grass. When I get my boat and it's under power guess who's wearing their pfd? EVERYBODY in my boat.
  10. I'd move the 10 up front, you spend more time up front and are further away from the unit up front.
  11. That's a good question and I will have to check into it. It's going to be a little while before I actually purchase the boat. I'm taking this slow so I know I get exactly what I want.
  12. This is exactly what I'm looking for. The wiring I'm confident in, it's running the wires/removing the panels is what I'm unsure of. Any videos you could direct me to would be great. The other thing is I'd get the hdsi transducer which I'd/they would have to wait for so I might have to do myself anyways. Thanks guys!
  13. After doing a lot of research I've decided I'm going with a Tracker 175TXW. I'm leaning towards getting a new one instead of used. I happened to be by the closest Tracker dealer to me yesterday so I stopped in and checked them out in person for the first time in about six years. I got to talking pricing with the sale man and he said with the "No haggle no hassle pricing" the price is the same no matter where you go. Is this true no haggling? Then came the talk about electronics. I talked with the service manager and the labor for 2 Helix units is $500! I asked the salesman if I buy this boat will you install for free? Flat out NO. It doesn't even sound like he'd be willing to negotiate on install labor. What is your experience with haggling when buying a new boat? I mean geez if I'm going to drop that kind of money plus electronics you'd think there'd be something. Side note a while back I responded to a post about installing electronics and I said I'd do it myself and save the money. I'll admit I might be eating some crow. After looking through the boat I would be a little nervous about removing part of the flooring to run wires on a brand new boat! The wiring, no problem, running/hiding the wires yup, crow doesn't taste good. Lol thanks guys!
  14. Like I said last week, I feel sorry for the poor saps that pay for this information. Thanks again Glenn!
  15. Like Scott said time on the water. Take the manual and leave the poles at home and read and play around with it.
  16. Those are my go to scissors when I throw in the towel too. Ugh cottonwood....it's all over the place right now and aggravating when it gets all over your line. All my Ash trees are dead from the Emerald Ash borer, why couldn't they go after the cottonwood instead.
  17. If you can swing it I'd look for a boat in the fall instead of spring. I see better deals in the fall with people who want to get rid of their boat and don't want to store it or winterize it just to sell in the spring.
  18. Keep the Ford sell the other two vehicles and that increases your budget and puts a lot more boats on your radar. ?
  19. Well my list got a lot longer. One request, could you add days to the year so I have time to work on everything? Good work as always!
  20. Send it back, I'm sure they'll fix the problem. ?
  21. What I would do is say you want to fish in Michigan, we have a Michigan thread. Ask us there, sometimes people can help other times we can't. Ask around at a tackle shop closest to the lake you're going to visit, see if you can find topo Maps for the lake you want to fish. All these "should" help increase your odds.
  22. Doing something like that is a good idea but it's a slippery slope. You many have the best interest in mind but like Bluebasser86 said too many people would promote themselves and turn it into a big mess.
  23. Where are you located?
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