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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. The only people that should be paid that kind of money are: 1: Military personnel 2: scientists looking for a cure to cancer, diabetes, and other deadly diseases 3: first responder (police, fire, EMS) I may have missed 1 or 2 but if you aren't going into a fire, firefight/war zone, laying your life on the line or coming up with a cure to a deadly disease you shouldn't be making that kind of money. Especially since 80% or more will be broke in 10 years or less. Just my 2 pennies on that.
  2. It's more likely I'd catch a 21 pound bass in Michigan than convince my wife I needed 1 lure that cost $25
  3. That's a pretty cool picture. I remember the first time I ever saw an Eagle back 20 years or so ago they weren't too common in Central Michigan. Now I have a nesting pair down the road from me, and at one point this winter I saw at least one a week for 2 months strait. To some of you That's no big deal but in Michigan it's a big deal. My step mom saw her first one last year and she's in her 50's. I can honestly say I could never get bored looking at pictures of Eagles. If only they could sound like a loon we'd have the perfect super bird!
  4. Structure Scan is solely Lowrance. What Helix 5 unit do you have? There's is ton of them. If your Helix unit has Side Imaging ( SI ) that's the equivalent to structure scan I believe.
  5. Just break down and order 2 of the 16 inch carbon units, that way no matter where in the boat you are you have a clear view of what's on the screen. On top of that the guy fishing 100 foot away from you will be happy too, because he'll be able to see what's under his boat too. ?
  6. For what it's worth if you're still looking at the Trackers the 175TXW comes with a HOOK 4X. The 195TXW tourney edition comes with 2 HOOK 5's with GPS.
  7. The Tigers have had bullpen issues forever that's why the last 2 times they were in the WS they blew it. Age is another issue. When the pitching is good they get no run support at all, but when the starting pitcher goes out and gives up 7 runs in the first inning they'll keep up. If they're up 6 runs in the 7th or 8th inning then the bullpen comes in and the Tigers lose by 4. This has been an on going thing forever. Then add the Lions, now the Red Wings, and Pistons and its no wonder why there's a brewery on every corner and now distilleries are popping up all over too.
  8. I predict a fire sale for my Tigers. One of the largest payrolls in MLB and one of the worst records in the American league. They'll get rid of everybody but the Ausmus and the front office and Miggy because he's getting paid $28 mil. per year and can't stay healthy for a month strait. Their AAA farm team an hour from me already clinched a playoff spot, MOVE 'EM UP. Just like with the Red Wings their farm team again an hour from me won the AHL Calder Cup but the wings suck. Tangent over, thanks for lending me your shoulder.
  9. Somebody on here once said they use a wheel chair battery to run their unit on their kayak and it wasn't too expensive if I remember right. The number that pops in my head is $30 but don't quote me on it. It might not last you 8 hrs, then again those electric wheel chairs go forever before they need a charge and I imagine a helix units draws a lot less then an ectric chair.
  10. Running the 2 off the same battery can cause interference on you finder.
  11. Lol. You scared me! With the stupid auto correct mistakes these days I had to double check to make sure that's not how it came out.
  12. Well gentleman it sounds like the OP's wife's Jeti mindtricks are taking hold and he's given up on himself. Unfortunately we must let go. Her forces are too strong and there's nothing more we can do. Let us remember him for the good times. Let us now focus on the introduction thread and welcome the new batch coming in. ?
  13. Lol. I always thought you were from Montana and was wondering why you were always talking about fishing in WV. Makes sense now. ?
  14. If momma ain't happy nobody's happy. If daddy ain't happy nobody cares!
  15. If you're frog fishing and put hooks in the frog you'll most likely kill the frog. ? You just gave me an idea FrogResource.com "The ultimate frog fishing resource guide"
  16. God bless the Boone docks!
  17. The only way that floor will go bad in the next 2 decades is if it's submerged for long periods of time. If the wood floors were a problem they would 've changed to tin by now, and if you actually look at the decks themselves there's not that much wood. All the storage is tin. The 175TXW has a 32sq ft deck, with the lids being tin I'd guess 70% is wood. I'm not trying to sway you one way or another. I'm just giving you the info you need so you get as much enjoyment out of your retirement as possible. By the way the 195TXW tournament edition is new for 2017.
  18. That's pretty cool you guys do that. I never thought about that before. My sister lives on a small private lake and it would be pretty interesting to do that. I caught a tagged Walleye in Big bay Dr noc when I was 12 or so and it was pretty cool! We sent the info into the DNR. A few months later we got the info back about the fish. It was tagged the previous year about a half mile from where I caught it. I was hoping for a longer distance but either way it was cool.
  19. I have a trophy cougar. ?
  20. Lowrance should fix them.
  21. The Eastern Massasauga is in Michigan as well and like PA very rare. National Geographic apparently was in Michigan about an hour south west of me looking for this elusive snake. I've always heard of them (we call them Michigan rattelers) but have never seen one. A dog was killed by one about 10 years ago in the next town over from me. I guess they're not as deadly to healthy adults but will surely ruin your day.
  22. Clever. I still look at your posts and pronounce it as Ghoti as in the Gambino crime boss. Not sure is I can retrain my brain to read it Fish. Read your link and it reminds me of a skit Ghaliger the comedian did with the English language.
  23. I'd see if you could just bring it in and have them replace the prop and you and the technician go to the lake real quick and check it out. I imagine if you explain to him You're 3 hrs away he'd be more than willing to work with you.
  24. Have you looked at the 195txw tournament edition? This boat comes with 2 fish finders, 24v trolling motor, 3 bank charger, hydraulic steering, and a couple extra bells and whistles for $26,995 plus freight and prep. Something to look at.
  25. My 2 cents is this is an excellent choice. I've been looking at the 175txw. You'll here people say it has a wood deck and wood rots. However you have a couple toys already so you know if you take care of them they'll last forever. I've seen boats that are 30 plus years old and still have the original deck. There are better boats out there with better layouts, better quality materials, but Tracker makes great boats. If they didn't they wouldn't be the number 1 boats manufacturer. Good luck and enjoy your boat!
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