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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. According to Nitro's website there are 4 with in 163 miles of you. That should help get you a decent price.
  2. You live in Pittsburg and there isn't a Nitro dealer closer than 160 miles? That's crazy. I have 2-3 within 1w0 miles of me and I live in BFE. Looks like Tridelphia, WV is closest to you. Then Ashville,N.Y.
  3. The Cubs have expressed interest in Verlander recently. I haven't heard of anyone else. He has a big contract and I believe extends quite far into the future. Avila, meh, unless it's his father getting traded then great! After the J.D. trade last night he can hit the road. Three S.S.? All prospects, one was their number 4 prospect (big deal j/k), the other 2 who knows? Like always who gives a bleep about the bullpen, their good enough. Verlander controls his own future. Per his contract he can deny any trade, so we'll see. Over the years we've seen one of the best running back (Barry Sanders) and widreceivers (Calvin Johnson) retire early because they're stuck with a scrappy team their entire career. Verlander has been to a couple World Series, should have been way more and at least one championship. I would be surprised if he leaves and I can't say I'd blame him. It would be a bummer because he's been here his entire career and his little brother is in the Tigers organization but it's business. Rant over. Lol
  4. I don't know the exact number but it's around the bottom 5-10 get bumped out. If I remember correctly Chas Pipkins was one who was bumped out because of points, but requalified in the opens. Then there's guys like Nate Wellman who drop out for personal reasons and others for financial reasons (it's extremely expensive). So there's a steady flow of guys coming in and going out.
  5. Makes sense. I'm not looking for images of fish (bonus if I can see the fish on "side seeing and down) I just want to have decent images of trees,rocks, and other fish holding structure. I'm looking for fishy areas instead of chasing tiny little dots. I've seen screen shots of some units where it's really hard to decipher what you're looking at. You're probably right. With the proper set up and proper tweaking of the unit most or all will suit me just fine. Hell I don't have a unit so anything is better than what I have now.
  6. I agree fall/winter is the best time to buy. I talked to a salesman a few weeks back at BPS and he said the '18's would be arriving in a month or so. You know come Sept. Oct. They'll be thinking about unloading the '17 so they don't have to carry them through another winter. The local Tracker dealer I talked to has the same service guarantee you're referring to. You bring it in and they guarantee they'll have it don't by Friday. Another thing I noticed recently was Tracker offers a BPS gift card if you buy a boat. For a 175TXW its been $250 all year now its getting later in the year and it's up to $500. I know the OP is looking at a Nitro so that's something to look into as well.
  7. I'm not looking to take pretty pictures lol. I'm not looking to get all fancy and get the Helix with MEGA imaging. I've seen Wayne P's side by side images with and without the HDSI transducer and there's quite a difference. All I want is the most bang for my buck within my budget. If I were to go with Garmin and the images turn out to be a fuzzy mess and look like crap then ill wish I would've went with Humminbird. The only reason at this point I'm back on the fence is with the Echomap. In order for me to get that out of Hummingbird I'd have to cough up more money for a card on top of the upgraded ducer. That adds up pretty quick. If Garmin had the images of the Hummingbird HDSI ducer plus 17,000 lakes for almost the same price of a Helix 7 then it's almost a no brainer. 360 and the Link are out of my reach at this point. I do believe though that the 7" Garmin units and bigger can run the Panoptix if that's your thing, and I think Garmin links to both MG and MK. Again neither are with in reach right now so I haven't researched much on either so I could be wrong. Bottom line when I do purchase which ever units I decide this is going to be a big purchase. I don't have the budget of some so I'm making sure I have exactly what I'm looking for, because these units are going to have to last me quite a few years.
  8. I don't think his contract is very big and his stock is very high so it caught me off guard but not surprised, if that makes sense.
  9. J.D. Martinez to the D-Backs.....and so it begins.
  10. I would guess it would be the same nation wide. Just a guess though.
  11. What model are you referring to when referring to having better DV and 2D? I've been looking into the 73sv and I read the transducer for that model doesn't have a dedicated DV crystal it uses the SV. Any thoughts?
  12. Maybe your transducer isn't the right one for a trolling motor? I know some transducers made for trolling motors have more shielding to protect from RFI from the trolling motor.
  13. Frog and the Pop-R Crap....forgot I was on the Smallie thread. My bad
  14. I read the title and said "seriously again?" I've only been on here 9 months and didn't think it was long enough to have cycled through all the questions yet. On that note I'm going to keep at it with this knot. Like Buzzed Bait I've given up on others. Thanks for the video!
  15. I consider myself lucky. Yes I married the most beautiful woman god has ever great and yes she is my fishing parter 90% of the time and yes she catches more fish than me 99% of the time. That's not the reason I consider myself lucky though. Six months into college I was diagnosed with stage four cancer. A cantaloupe sized tumor was in my chest pressing on my wind pipe. A few days later and some radiation my back pain went away, mentioned it to the doctors and they found more cancer in my bone marrow in my hips, thighs, pelvis, tail bone, and spinal fluid. I was lucky because I was put in Devos Children's hospital. I went through hell for 6 months, in a week out 2, chemo radiation, spinal taps, bone marrow taken out and checked. It would've been worse if I would've been put in the regular hospital. I was the oldest there (I just made the cutoff), while there in the oncology department, it was all sick babies and kids. Kids who would never be the same because of their illness....but every single one of those kids had a smile on their face and everyone of them laughed. I'm lucky because I survived yes but I feel I'm lucky because I got that reality check. I don't let things really bother me anymore. Life's too short! Life isn't about the material things, its about making every day count. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel. I don't always walk on cloud 9 but not much rattles me, I rarely get upset. I'm lucky because of my experience at a young age. Who knows where I'd be if it hadn't happened. I've always said if everyone could experience what I did the world might be a better place. Kids are awesome and don't let big things or small get keep them down. I hug mine a little tighter every night. I am the luckiest guy!
  16. Tombstone The Last Samurai
  17. Well it's time to get back to sucking at fantasy fishing. Team is set, fingers are crossed (it never helps don't know why I still do it).
  18. I tried blowing a little smoke and told one dealer that X marina were cheaper and he called my bluff and said they'd risk losing the privledge to sell Tracker Boats. Boats and vehicles are 2 different things but my step dad just bought a 2016 1ton Silverado and he said he saved 17k from a brand new one. The depreciation isn't that dramatic with boats but you can still save. We've all traded a vehicle in so we all know what the trade in value is, I imagine the same goes for a boat at a dealer. There's probably plenty of room for negotiating with a used one.
  19. Do you have an honest unbiased opinion on the image quality compared to Humminbird? I was set on Humminbird but I'm questioning that decision for a number of reasons. I've heard (like you said) the ease of use is great, the mapping is spectacular, and the pricing is pretty good as well. Humminbird is a great unit as well, it's the fact that you need to make sure you don't open the transducer, send it it with $80 wait a week or 2 for your HDSI transducer to show up in order to get images that are good. By that time and the extra $80 is annoying. Then to do it all over again for the trolling motor. I read on another forum mixed reviews on the images compaired to Humminbird. These were guys who are die hard Garmin guys say that Humminbird is superior in that catagory, then there were others who said Garmin is better,the same, or not too far behind. Any comparisons you've experienced?
  20. I'm in the process of searching for the right boat for me. I'm leaning towards a Tracker. Tracker has their "no haggle no hassle pricing". I've talked to 3 different Tracker deals and their prices are the same and they do not budge what so ever. They were worlds apart on labor install and were willing to match pricing on electronics, and labor to get the sale. I'd check and see if Nitro has the same "no haggle no hassle" pricing.
  21. Google Bobo's thumper watch the video and see what happens. It's pretty interesting.
  22. Somebody else posted something similar a couple months back. That's crazy! I was talking to the service manager at the Tracker dealer I went to a month or 2 ago and he had a boat he had just got done installing 30k worth of electronics in. Unbelievable.
  23. I do too and then the boat prices will be even further from my reach. A moderately rigged bass boat will set you back 50k easily, that's being generous. If these new things became standard boats we be like vehicles now, nobody can work on them unless you have 4 engineering degrees.
  24. Years ago you posted it on here? Hmmm I think your idea and millions in royalties were stolen then. You could be a God to many fisherman across this globe! What do ya do? Just go back to work I suppose?
  25. I too went for an early morning swim recently. I told my 6 year old to not let go of the rope as I was launching. He didn't let go....he also didn't move the rope as I was backing down. SNAP! There goes the boat. After retrieving the boat we both had a laugh.
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