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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Nice football! I was starting to think you retired from fishing. ?
  2. Wayne P showed some side by side identical screen shots with and without CHIRP and to my untrained eye I could tell much difference. Like you said not worth the extra money. Wayne even had said he wasn't 100% sold on CHIRP yet.
  3. I never new this. What a joke!
  4. Do you have any screen shots of the Side Vu you could share? If they're even half way decent I think I'm going the Garmin route. The maps are a big selling point for me too. I checked and this tiny 80-100 acre lake I fish is even on there, I was really surprised and quite impressed.
  5. I too am interested in this unit. If anyone has any screen shot please post. That's the only thing I'm debating on is the imaging particularly the Side Vu. It's that's not too bad it's a great deal considering you get 17,000 lakes which you'd have to pony up more money with HB or Lowrance.
  6. Has your friend put up big numbers like KVD did, or did KVD find something inside your friends spot that produced the big numbers? That would 've been pretty cool to sit and watch KVD fish your spot and pick it apart fish by fish.
  7. 90lbs of small mouth? KVD just put on a 4 day butt kicking clinic!
  8. If you haven't opened the package the transducer came in and want better images, you could exchange it for an HDSI transducer.
  9. Of course he's the man, he's from Michigan!
  10. You can absolutely have SI at the bow. I initally thought the same about SI and trolling motors but was set strait by a member on here and more research. Moving your trolling motor will cause minor distortion but it quickly clears up. Look at it like this, if you put your transducer at the transom you're seeing things that are 14'-22' behind you depending the size of your boat. The choice is ultimately up to you.
  11. I'd given them another chance before writing them off. Too many good thing to just give up.
  12. Welcome aboard! I'm just north east of you in Greenville.
  13. Move the 898 up front and put the MEGA at the console
  14. I don't see what the problem is....
  15. Marine grade plywood will not corrode aluminum. Wolmanized lumber maybe. I had a Tracker that was over 30 years old when I got rid of it and no problems and still the same marine plywood. There's a thread arguing this. I'm won't go down that road, just giving you my experience.
  16. I'm no expert, but I would've/would use treated material. It's made to get wet, and it'll last quite a while if taken care of. If you use some type of sealer you have to reapply every so often.
  17. Are they taking a break today on Live? It doesn't say on the main page, just wondering, trying to plan my lunch so I can watch a little bit of it.
  18. You didn't use treated wood?
  19. Extremely weird. I read all over the place how exceptional their customer service is. I saw you on "the other forum" your referring to and I was surprised at the lack of response. I've seen day one questions asked and was flooded with answers. The whole situation is just weird.
  20. 3 inside the cut. I expressed my concern earlier J-Pow and Morganthaler worry me. J-Pow has a chance tomorrow, Morganthaler not so much. Gotta love auto correct.... I have Hackney not Jack net. A-Jay: KVD did tear it up! Shame on me for not picking a fellow Michigander on a northern Lake. A little interesting tid-bit I've heard several people in the fishing scene around this area say KVD's brother Randy (JVD's dad) is or was a better bass fisherman than KVD but took the safer route and stuck with his outdoor sports store. Could you imagine 3 VanDam's on the water at once?
  21. It would depend on the approach from the pro. If he approached like Rojas or Horton did to J Francho I'm out of the way quicker than quick. If someone came up with a chip on their shoulders, my ears might not work. That being said, I most likely wouldn't fish if there were a tourney, I'd simply watch and learn. I fish small lakes for a reason where nobody goes. Peace and quiet, and no people.
  22. A: Jack net B: Lefebre C: J-Pow D: Lucas E: Morganthaler C & E are the only 2 I worry about. J-Pow bombs every time I pick him.
  23. Could it be a grounding issue? I have no clue just thinking outloud.
  24. Give them a call and see if they can order one. I haven't looked at Nitros before but I'm willing to bet you can custom order them with a lot of different options on them (trolling motors,finders,power poles) and that could explain why you don't see any there. The aluminum boats you see are one size fits all deal. That's exactly what I'd do is go to BPS check them out,sit in them and get a feel for it before you make a decision.
  25. Chances are they'll have to order it and you'll have to wait up to 10 weeks for it. That's probably why you don't see any Nitros.
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