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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Most if not all skin mounts are painted too. The skin loses it's natural color and needs to be painted or touched up.
  2. I've never had one done but I believe you measure length and girth and snap some pictures and they order a form the approximate size and work their magic. It's a talent and an art form all in one. What taxidermist do is absolutely amazing in my eyes. I wish I had the patience to do fish, because I don't think there is anyone around me that does replica fish.
  3. The nurses always told us premature babies are spit fires even as they grow up, because they've had to fight since day one. My son is 7 now as you've seen and he's a spit fire for sure. Hold on to your britches, and enjoy your little boy!
  4. Dinner! It's a sunfish in my mind it doesn't matter what kind of sunfish because they all taste the same....yummy!
  5. Simple supply and demand my friend. That's about the only I remember from Econ. In the 11th grade. ?
  6. Storage Space for sale or lease!!! 10% off if you're from Michigan
  7. LOL. I was still scratching my head wondering what he was thinking. I can rest easy now knowing Tommy Sanders won't look like his face is frozen stiff.
  8. I'd never expect it either. To each their own I guess. It'll be interesting to see what he looks like afterwards.
  9. I heard Zona say that Friday and was left scratching my head. I haven't heard anymore but I have to believe it's not what we're thinking.
  10. I have 1 inside the cut as of now.
  11. Sounds like you have a nice set up. I can't get enough of the awesome MEGA images. One thing I know for sure is there's a ton to learn with these new units and I'm glad I started looking into these units before making my purchases.
  12. I'm no expert and I honestly couldn't tell you for sure. I'm pretty sure I've read on here from way more knowledgeable people that certain transducers are susceptible to RFI and the puck style transducer has better shielding to help prevent it. Disclaimer: I could be way confused, and off in left field.
  13. Helix 5,7, and 9 come with the compact transducer and it's recommended to upgrade to the HDSI transducer for better images. It is also recommended to exchange to a TM puck style transducer if you mount it on the TM because it has more shielding to reduce interference. BTW those are nice images you have. It's not $80 to exchange the TM ducer, I must've miss spoke. It's and even swap plus shipping.
  14. And come Sunday afternoon I'll be kicking myself for not pulling the trigger on the top finisher in each bucket. ?
  15. And the tie breaker IF it were to come into play.
  16. Trip Weldon went out on the lake to see for himself, and some of the anglers who are staying on the lake were lobbying for it to be canceled today. Jonathan VanDam said this is the worst lake to have a north or south wind and I believe it's out of the north today.
  17. I don't yet have any electronics but I've been researching and learning for quite some time now. If I understand correctly a bait ball will be a little more pronounced on your screen because fish are more dense than weeds or junk, creating a harder return than the weeds. Don't quote me on this, because I'm still learning too.
  18. I think a life membership is around $500. AOY tourney is at Mill Lacs.
  19. I commented in April there were still slots avail. For the St. Clair event and that was well after the registration opened. So I'm assuming they don't fill up super quick. Maybe on the southern lakes they might.
  20. A full write is required awards. ?
  21. I found this place last year on line called Bassresourse.com. it's been the best thing I've found so far. Check it out you'll like it!
  22. I got used to the old slow way....please put it back. ? Thanks for your hard work Glenn
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