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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. I'm surprised your excitement didn't cause you a heartattck that night. Lol
  2. I think the fish will swim, look for food, some may have eclipse parties but doubtful. I think most will just hang out. Lures to use....depends if there's a big group it might be an eclipse party. If that's the case Doritos (cool ranch of course) would be a good bet. Anything on a Miller Lite bobber. If it isn't an eclipse party a Senko is a safe bet. I'll be working like I am now. ?
  3. That's awesome.
  4. This is exactly why you need to think things through before posting on the internet. The internet is written in ink people. I will admit that a person filing a FOIA request for a lake is unlikely(until now) but still it's possible for someone in the world to figure out where his lake is. Heck I saw someone on here post a random picture of a river bank if I remember right and someone else recognized it! People these days blow my mind with what they post on line. From inappropriate pictures that get them fired or divorced, to people commiting crimes that lead to their arrest and conviction. Then they use the excuse "I never thought it would get this much attention". What did you expect posting on the internet?
  5. Hmmm. I have no clue (I'm no expert either). I'd give the manufacturer or a repair place a call and see what they think. Let us know what you cone up with.
  6. I only have my phone and have yet to be logged out.
  7. So what happens if you were to switch the wire at the battery? Does it correct the problem? I'm not implying that's your fix more less curious. If the polarity is reversed when the wires are connected properly, what would happen if you reversed them.
  8. Have you tried walking it first to see how bad it is? If it's really soft really deep I wouldn't risk it even with my trailer. But if it's less than a foot I'd consider it.
  9. Buy a tow strap and some beer for whoever pulls you out. That's the worst cast scenario. It works for me. I just have a tin boat so I'm not as heavy and I can move my boat around by hand if needed to get what I need. You have to fish it to find out what's in there. If you get stuck that's added entertainment.
  10. Sounds like you had your wires crossed at the battery. I did that once but noticed it right away and corrected it, so I had no issues.
  11. The prosecution rest your honor. ?
  12. I was scratching my head for a second. You have some of the best small jaw fishing in the world all within an hour or two of you. I'd move to northern Michigan April-Oct. Florida for the rest of the year.
  13. I'm not sure how good the deal is but you can get a john boat for dirt cheap a brand new trolling motor and battery for it for around $200 or less.
  14. How stable are the older ones? That would be my biggest concern and available space for everything you're looking to put on it. I think adding some rod holders and maybe converting the front storage into a drywell would be feasible. Adding a TM and battery might be pushing it, especially with those smaller jet skis. Just some thoughts.
  15. Welcome aboard!
  16. Are you familiar with the term "ear worm"? Thanks A-Jay for the ear worm!
  17. Good luck. Let me know how ya did.
  18. I've heard and you could probably look online and see but Millennium park on the west side of GR is supposed to be good. Reeds lake in East GR. If you have waders you could try the Grand River in downtown GR a tough the 6th street area. That's where the steelhead and catfish guys hang out. The Rogue river from Rockford to the north is a good Trout area I have to believe there are smallies in there. The flat river in Lowell is good I hear. The only areas I have personally fished is the Flat north of Greenville from Entracan to the north. I don't have waders so I just bridge fish. You'd have more luck if you have waders. There's been times I've caught 0 and there's been times they've been stacked in this on area and I pulled 12 in about 20 casts. I've caught them up on the Flat on Senkos and 2K Jigs. We pulled a 3lb 3oz out of there before. Here's one my son caught. There's the 3lb 3oz we got from the same bridge.
  19. The flat river is in my neck of the woods. Where in the Grand rapids area are you going to be? I'm in the Greenville area which is just north east.
  20. I'll start by saying I currently have a MG and have had a MK. I've had no issues with either. My brother in law used to work at Attwood in Lowell, MI which is where a ton of the MG TM's are assembled. He has said they have in the past few years switched over to more cheap plastic parts and have had several issues since then. It's not a dig against MG by any means, more of a "listen to your customers"
  21. I have a wireless MG TM but no transducer, so I'm on the opposite end as you. I by no means am recommending anything either, more of a "this might work" kind of deal.
  22. I think I saw some place or maybe here where a guy used vinyl compressor hose. It looks just like what you suggested, but I imagine it's way cheaper.
  23. I'm in agreence with you on the Ultrex. All the other models are pretty much the same across the board.
  24. This is what I was talking about. The Xi5 vs the Utrex that's Cadillac vs Chevy like you said. Everything else is the same across the board.
  25. Depends on the model ? Didn't MG switch over to composite shafts now? I know my W45 is composite and I thought once the Tour model was discontinued they went to composite.
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