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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. I would guess that over 3/4 of us on here don't tournament fish. I look at fishing as a never ending puzzle. Even though I'll never complete the puzzel I'm going to try (if that makes sense). I love learning new things to make me a better angler. It's nice talking with fellow anglers as well.
  2. I think he was speaking hypothetically
  3. Looks like rain for the MLF boys today in Alpena. It might be just me but just watching my local news/weather it seems like it rains at least once a week up there. It would be nice, my grass is still fried!
  4. What is Garmin doing to step up their game? The price and mapping is there, if they had a little better images I'd lean that way. Obviously nothing is really going to compete with Humminbird's MEGA imaging, at the same time I don't need to see every fine detail on a rock pile either. If Garmin could come up with a transducer that was comparable with HB's HDSI ducer at a reasonable price I'd be all over it.
  5. Bump your budget up another $100 and get a Helix 9 Mega. You can't get better imaging than that.
  6. I along with a lot on this forum are with you on the "where there's a will there's a way". But there's the cost factor.
  7. The melting point of Tungsten is almost 6200 degrees Fahrenheit.
  8. We took one of our Pugs out with us when we lived on a private lake. He jumped off the front of the boat. I heard him bouncing off the bottom of the boat. Thankfully I shut the transom TM off. He came up and his eyes were bigger than they already are. That was the end of his fishing career. My dog which I got last year is a Great Pyrenees and he hates water and getting wet. He's about 110lbs of pure muscle and there's no moving him when he locks up the breaks, so I don't even try.
  9. I think it has more to do with how their sponsorship contract is written out. Iaconelli has Basscat and his MLF boat says Basscat. Other things it doesn't a seem to matter. KVD is sponsored by Motorguide and Humminbird but on MLF he uses MK and Lowrance
  10. Will you send me a Chicago pizza? I've always wanted to try one.
  11. Always charge your battery after every use.
  12. They're "predicting" 17-19 huricances this season. I wish you well. Hopefully there wrong.
  13. I'm 34 and caught my first one last year after about 15 years of walleye fishing in the Bay de Nocs and I'm hooked!
  14. We have about 59,940 wishes to go.....enjoy it my friend! You deserve it.
  15. In the words of Glenn. "Welcome home"
  16. Momma 8 me SKUNKED until big momma got hungry! 4 lbs 1oz! Frog bite!
  17. Happy birthday A-Jay!!!!! Even though I wished it 6 days beforehand I'm trying to keep it going until 8-8-18! ?
  18. I read last night that MLF is going to be in Alpena this coming week starting Monday. They are doing a meet and greet Tuesday evening. Check out another site.com for the article that gives the greet and meet place if you're interested in attending. This will be the third time MLF has returned to Alpena something they've never done before anyplace else. Must be there are a couple fish up there. ? The article said it'll air in February. Figured I'd let you guys know if any ones interested.
  19. Lol I couldn't believe I did either but listen to Mr. Yammamoto......I think it's more his accent but who knows.
  20. What the heck does this Gary guy know? Lol, maybe the accent? Or better bet I'm saying it wrong.
  21. Senko with an emphasis on the N Here's another Libarry One more...my son is in his second year of elementree school
  22. Whatever you do DON'T HANG HER ON THE WALL!! Congratulations man!
  23. So a lot of the professional anglers are addicted?
  24. What are the subtle signs to look for? I only notice after it way too late. It might be tough for me to catch prime time since I only get to fish once a week if that. Still good to know though for future reference.
  25. Post some screen shots when you get it dialed in. I'm thinking about getting a couple in the near future.
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