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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Yup. Southern Michigan has a town called Hell!
  2. You brought up ferns a week or 2 ago and how you watch for that. I've never in my life paid any attention to them....until now. I put around 150 miles on my work truck a day and work on the side of roads so I see a lot of foliage. I've seen a few ferns starting to change. Thanks for the tip! As for the cool down? 61 so far today. Monday was so hot and sticky I would've been less wet if I would've stayed in a pool, translation I welcome it. We Michiganders know it's going to warm back up. Just as deer season comes around it'll warm and screw everything up.
  3. Feider Shryock Ike Pipkins Omori I might regret picking Tak by the end of the day. Maybe not though.
  4. Wear you life jacket! ?
  5. I'll PM you my address...can I have your fishing gear? ?
  6. Enjoy your time tomorrow. Do you know yet how many days you're getting?
  7. I've seen him on another forum so everything's ok from what I can tell.
  8. Is this lake in North Korea? Sure sounds like it is. ?
  9. Our resident Humminbird guy seems to have relocated.
  10. Line up is set. Bucket E was the hardest for me. Good luck gentleman!
  11. I'm just north of GR. What lake was it he was on? A friend of his was on the radio a month or 2 ago and said that his boys are on the GVSU fishing team. So maybe in a few years we'll see 4 VanDam's on the Elite tour.
  12. Perfect picture with the freighter in the background.
  13. I'd expect a check in the mail pretty soon if I were you. That would be a good commercial.
  14. It must be a hoax. I just looked in the sky and don't see the moon anywhere. ? Gundog and I were just messing around having a little fun. I think he was serious about not changing his underwear though. You got the right ones? Don't want you going blind.
  15. I'm wondering if it's just a bunch of hype like Y2K?
  16. Maybe the sun is going to eclipse the moon on the other side of the earth where it's night time. Would explain why we haven't heard anything about it.
  17. I have a 14' tin boat and fish lakes with gradual ramps as well. My boat is light enough that I'll pull my boat back 2-3 so it's hanging off the end of the trailer. This seems to help a little.
  18. As a big CCR fan I can assure you that Mr. Fogarty isn't saying "there's a bad moon on the rise" he's saying "there's a bathroom on the right" ???
  19. Poor viewing conditions here in Michigan (mostly cloudy). Oh well. I'll check it out in 2099 ??
  20. The best thing I've came up with is, sit in a tree stand like you're deer hunting. I only see them when I'm deer hunting and only see deer while turkey hunting. ?
  21. Hauling a boat in northern Michigan during the may fly hatch requires a boat cover. I remember as a kid walleye fishing Black lake, we'd always be up there when the may flies hatched (not by choice) and our boat would be one big may fly by the time we got back to the campground after a day of fishing.
  22. I admit I was a little vague. If I had an inside area or no vinyl or gel coat I wouldn't have a cover. But if you have vinyl or gel coat and no inside storage a cover is a must if you want it to last any time at all. My apologies.
  23. Better question who doesn't use a cover? My boat is a POS for now but still cover it.
  24. About 11 years ago my wife and I were night fishing. She had never done it before so I was excited to take her. It was over cast and extremely dark. She was using a Pop-R. She lost sight of her lure as a swan was swimming by. She panicked and started reeling in so they wouldn't cross paths. She felt a tug followed by a honk and flapping of wings, followed by a giant white bird flying right by us with her line! It quickly snapped and she worried about the bird. Needless to say that was the end of the night and she hasn't been night fishing since.
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