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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. There's a country song about it too. Forget who sang it! Not quite freezing for me. Perfect sleeping weather with the windows open here. ?
  2. I've never been there...I've been told to go there plenty of times though! ??
  3. A-Jay will be happy. The greatest footage I've seen! These 2 are quite the pair!
  4. Didn't notice that. Back to geography class I go. I live in Michigan so I get a little pass don't I?
  5. I haven't seen any yet.
  6. It was pretty hilarious. I'm a fan of Zona so when I started watching about an hour into it and the picture comes on, all I see is him in gold parachute pants and a big medallion hanging off his neck and Jordan with a crown and cape I just shook my head and laughed.
  7. 1: Between my ears 2: patience (off the water I'm very patient, weird I know)
  8. After 75 minutes or so it got up to the boat. Zona got a net around it's head. As expected the fish thrashed Jordan ran to grab it and the line snapped. They were both deflated along with about 10 or so boats around watching it. It was quite the show. They were guessing it would've been a world line record for 8lb test.
  9. I was really bummed with the outcome. Oh well it was real fun to watch. I missed the beginning of the show for the explanation of their wardrobes. I just chalk it up to Zona being off his meds I guess. ??
  10. Jordan Lee has a giant sturgeon on right now using only 8lb test! He's been fighting it for over 40 minutes.
  11. Yikes! That sucks. Did the seller take you for a test ride first?
  12. Interesting fact I heard on my local weather in Michigan last night. Harvey has dumped enough rain (as of Tuesday morning) in the Houston are that it would raise Lake Michigan 3.5 feet! That is just unbelievable, and there's more rain yet to come.
  13. I'm gonna take a guess and say it circling into the Gulf and refueling?
  14. I work in the utility trade (not a lineman) and have gotten to know a lot of these guys pretty well and they are some of the unsung heroes of these storms across our country. While on storm duty it's 16 hrs on 8 off. Could you imagine working on power lines after working 16 hrs? My hats off to them!
  15. Awesome report! A couple questions. 1: do you basically wait until they get a limit before you start talking to them, or is every pro different? 2: it's pathetic this even popped in my head but what do you guys (pros and marshals) do when nature calls?
  16. I knew the Opens were how they qualified for the Elites I just wasn't sure if Martin finally decided to move in that direction. At one point this year the majority of the top 10 in the AOY were guys who came over from the FLW. There are still quite a few now. I wouldn't blame him for not coming over to the Elites. He's making a pretty good living for himself where he is. It would be interesting to see him in the classic or on MLF. I wonder why he doesn't do the MLF?
  17. I was looking through the B.A.S.S. Opens points race. I noticed Scott Martin is in 10th place for the Southern Opens. Is he trying to earn a spot on the Elite tour? I don't pay too much attention to the FLW tour so I don't know if this has been discussed. It would be interesting if he qualified and fished the Elites. I've always wondered how he'd do. Probably the biggest name on the FLW coming over to the Elites, we'll see.
  18. Tak was the one pick that I worried about. Looks like he's the one who's paying off for me!
  19. Egofishtical
  20. Still no Live?
  21. Fletcher is in 100th? This is basically his home lake. I was worried about Tak but so far so good. Didn't think I'd have to worry about Fletcher.
  22. I "think" the Y-cable is used if you want to use 2 transducers like a thru hull transducer.
  23. Wouldn't that be amazing if Wheeler won AOY his first year? He's no rookie but still... Wouldn't that be amazing if Wheeler won AOY his first year? He's no rookie but still...
  24. You can buy 5 acres and the naming rights to Hell, Michigan for a cool $900k. Down from $990,666. No joke!
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