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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Mr. Bass Arkansas? Please tell me there isn't a swimsuit portion of the contest.
  2. I think I read Wheeler unfortunately is all but out of it. Christie and Palaniuk on the other hand is going to be a nail biter if this continues all 4 days. Glad to see it.
  3. My wife's fishing partner ? will make an excuse or 2 when being out fished. 1: He's running the TM 2: He's always taking her fish off so less fishing time for him This poor excuse for a fisherman just needs to come to terms with the fact that he gets out fished by a woman who only uses Senkos and has never read a fishing magazine, watched a show, or visited Bassresource while he does on a daily basis. Sucks to be that guy!
  4. My son and I with our SMB PB. All 3 of us had a hand in the catch.
  5. Reminded myself yesterday morning to set my team at lunch....totally forgot. There goes my chance at the final Circut City card.
  6. That awesome glad to hear. We were nervous too. I think I drove about 40 home. We didn't get an ounce of sleep for at least a week because we were always checking to make sure he was still breathing. Barely left the house. Our nurses in the NICU kept reminding us he wasn't made of glass.....he was as soon as we left the hospital. 7 years later he's all boy and we sometimes forget his first 52 days of life.
  7. It's actually a combination of both.
  8. I have the MG W45 and the foot pedal I hate as well! I've never used a cable steer but I imaging it's so much better. I got mine the year before the Xi5 came out and as soon as I saw the foot pedal for the Xi5 I said "uh oh". I'd guess the Xi5 is geared towards the walleye guys. Like you said the key fob is impossible too especially on windy days. I can't wait until I get a cable steer!
  9. Another thing I forgot to mention which you may already know, is all the cool things the Ultrex can do when linked with a "fish finder" with GPS and mapping. Someone with an actual Ultrex might chime in and give better details.
  10. If I could only choose one I'd have to say the Ultrex would be my choice. Minkota is coming out with a 15' Talon which is crazy, but deeper they'd be useless. Like Rich said 10' or so is more realistic. You can get shallow with you Ultrex and spotlock and be fine. The only way I see a shallow water anchor more useful would be bed fishing ( which I don't). Just like my opinion everyone has their own. It'll probably be close to 50/50 by the time everyone chimes in. You need to think about where you fish and how you fish. The weather conditions you fish I.e. a lot of windy days in relatively shallow water, Talons might be better. Fair to good conditions in varying depths probably the Ultrex. Good luck. Disclaimer: I have neither
  11. That one doesn't look like it exists anymore.
  12. You did some diggin' on this one.
  13. Kinda hard not to over hype it after Harvey a week before. Seemed like Irma kept her power through the Bahamas but lost strength north of Cuba. Anybody talking about Jose? I heard them mention it on the radio this morning and that's all I've heard recently.
  14. I've never gotten around to fixing my outboard because honestly I don't need it for where I fish. I have a 14' boat and get by just fine with my TM. A good charge will last you 8 hours or more, depending on how much you use it and how hard you run it.
  15. Your dad was in the Pentagon?
  16. Hard to believe it was 16 years ago. My son is 7 and we watched a couple documentaries on it yesterday and it was hard for me to explain and him to comprehend. That's a day in sure no one will forget. I remember learning about Pearl Harbour in school. Most of us probably weren't alive for Pearl Harbour and I'm guessing no one on here was old enough to remember it (maybe a couple). September 11th was like Pearl Harbour our parents and grand parents experienced. In our most vulnerable moment we as a nation came together! Let us never forget.
  17. Set up a trail cam to catch whoever stealing your trail cam.
  18. Glad to hear you made it unharmed. You go through a hurricane and only lose power for 6 hours? Not too bad. We have a wind storm here and lose it for 8+ hours.
  19. Pretty sure it goes to the next available person. Double qualifying is quite common.
  20. Same thing happened to me this summer. He's 7. Told him to hold the rope. He held it, and watched the boat. He didn't watch the rope go under the tire and snap. The boat launches and he's holding the rope! He's also yelling the boats floating away. By that time I noticed it already. Unlike you I had to swim. We had a good laugh after I got it back to shore.
  21. Huk! They're adding new stuff almost monthly.
  22. I'm guessing his screen name isn't real. D.B. Cooper maybe?
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