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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Nice one! I love top water myself. I'm more of a frog guy but I've been contemplating breaking out the 'ole buzzbait and pop-R next time out. If they miss ALWAYS throw it right back!
  2. You have made an impact on her that will last well past your time on this earth. I would guess she had all but written men off (I would've). You step up to the plate and help heal those negative emotions. What you've done my friend will hopefully have an effect for generations. All the best to you and your expanding family. BTW bikers aren't that tough and scary. I have an MC an 1/8 from me. They cried when Friends was canceled. Biggest softies and nicest guys.
  3. Untreated wood wouldn't even rot in 3 years. Good luck in your search.
  4. Tracker makes a stick steer called the Panfish 16. If you want something a little cheaper they have the Pro 160. You made a comment about wood decking, if you take care of it, it'll last you 20+ years. I had a 14' that had 25 year old wood on it. It was still good and firm when I redid the boat. Leave it outside in the elements all the time and you're right it won't last. Don't be afraid of wood and don't be afraid of getting it wet. Those 2 boats are about as cheap as you'll get new, unless you go the john boat route.
  5. He said that because your face was blacked out. ?
  6. I talked to a Tracker dealer in my area and I asked about Power Poles and he said there's no issues. Talon's from what I hear are quite a bit heavier than Power Poles so I'm not sure.
  7. It's kinda bassakwards I agree.
  8. Be careful what you say to Slone at night, he gets a little frisky. I found that out a week or two ago. He's likes a gremlins, don't feed him after midnight or bad thing will happen! ?
  9. A win doesn't punch your ticket to the classic with the exception of I think winning the classic and Bassfest I think.
  10. Hire A-Jay....he's the resident Hawg Snatched.
  11. I think we got ahead of ourselves a little. Like I said we all seemed to have fun so I think everyone will agree to keep it the same.
  12. We had fun doing it this year. Instead of over complicating things and causing any issues with a place we enjoy visiting and contributing to I say we don't change anything and keep it the same.
  13. Gift cards would be ok wouldn't it? I'm guessing so since that's what B.A.S.S does. If not I'd be cool with lures.
  14. Lol you do have a point. You mean to tell me BR doesn't have a boat just outside of U.S. waters just waiting to take our money?
  15. Maybe we could do a $10-20 buy in (assuming it's not against any rules) winner take all or pay x amount of places. Another idea I had was we take 1 or 2 lures good or bad out of each of our tackle boxes and send them to example: 10th and 20th place at the end of the year. I think that would be kind of a fun idea. Whether we do anything or not I still had fun and I'm looking towards next year as well!
  16. Thanks to you for setting it up! I was hoping the Mods would pin this to keep it towards the top.
  17. Chicken nugget
  18. That's pretty cool to see him putting those kids in his boat, giving some of his rods away, and taking time to just talk with them.
  19. Congrats, that's an awesome fish!
  20. Nice MI bass! Out of curiosity what's you MI PB? I've never been a spinner bait guy, but you and A-Jay are getting to me.
  21. That was pretty sad to hear that last week. Almost all their songs were great.
  22. I love NW Nebraska. Chadron (Dawes county) to be exact, I used to deer hunt out there. I'd move out there in a heartbeat if I could.
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