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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Funny you mentioned the '05 classic. I was going to say that one fish you got would 've been good for a top 10 finish.
  2. What is the Garmin high speed protocol? Is it basically an Ethernet cable to run the 2 together? Any idea on a price to network the 2 units together? I was really disappointed what I was quoted lat week for 2 bird units then to find out it was over $100 extra to link the 2 units together.
  3. When you get a chance could you post some screen shots of structure? I've been considering the 73sv echomap units myself.
  4. Go Blue!
  5. I read a long time ago to hook through the seam. Don't know if it makes a difference, but I've done it ever since.
  6. The company in my area is a local company. I don't know of any large companies that do it.
  7. Are there any wireless internet providers in you're area? Up until 2 years ago all I had available was satellite, but now we have wireless available and it's so much better and reliable.
  8. Had Hughes it's horrible. It's just like satilites tv bad weather=no signal.
  9. We need to start an on the lamb thread. As of lately it seems like it would be a hit. ?
  10. The Striker units have GPS but no mapping. It's basically a blank white screen you can save waypoints on. Think about this....you have a 17-18' boat and have a transom transducer you could hit a shallow rock or sand bar without it even showing up. As a general rule and you may know this, you should never use a unit or a map card as your sole means of navigation. Too many variables. Hope this helps.
  11. What are you thinking for a budget? I'm a budget guy so I can help (hopefully).
  12. As I utility locator I'm around heavy equipment all day and do the same for my son. He loves seeing heavy equipment and electric linemen at work. If only I could take him to work for a day I think he'd have a permagrin for weeks.
  13. The outlaws are coming out of the woodwork now! Must be a full moon.
  14. Nope. The one down the road from Lake Vanderchuck is Lake MAnderchuck. Menderchuck and MAnderchuck people get confused all the time. It's pretty easy for me to tell them all apart from his videos by looking at the clouds. ? I gave out too much info. A-Jay is going to kill me!
  15. I think another reason there isn't a western swing is sponsorship. If the crowd isn't there no big company is going to pony up money to sponsor an event if there's only a slim chance at exposure and return. What in the heck do people in California do in their free time? Look at the top 25 bass caught 3,4, maybe 5 bass on their aren't from California (I haven't looked in forever)! You guys have awesome largemouth and spotted bass fishing and only a handful are taking advantage of it. It's good for you guys who do fish, but sad for the state as a whole. Here in Michigan 5-6lb LMB are pretty big and something you'll only come across once a year maybe? Smallmouth are a different story, we've all seen the blimps A-Jay is pulling out of Lake Menderchuck on a weekly basis. You drive down my road alone, 1 mile all but 2 houses have a boat. It's Michigan and you're literally no more than 5 miles from a lake and at any spot in the state no more than 30 miles from a Great Lake so it's not apples to apples with California. It just boggles my mind bass fishing isn't bigger in California.
  16. Did you have the Merriams turkey where you were in Iowa? Those birds are pretty cool with the white tips. They had them out in Nebraska where I used to deer hunt. I never made it out to hunt them. On my bucket list though.
  17. You guys don't know what you're missing! There's nothing better then a couple Boss Gobblers 10-15 yrds away from you in full strut drumming and gobbling their heads off! I get it though, Blue you're in Kansas and Croak I believe you're in S Indiana so April is prime time. Here in Michigan there's a good chance the lakes are still frozen.
  18. I'm no expert at all, but I've talked with Wayne P about SI on a trolling motor. He said he uses it and it works just fine. He also said that there is some distortion when you move your TM but quickly clears up. If you're constantly moving your TM around say on windy days or have it in "anchor mode" or "spot lock" and it's always moving you're going to be disappointed. If you're drifting, or cruising along on the same course with an occasional adjustment of the TM it's going to work just fine. Again I'm not expert, this is in a nutshell the conversation Wayne P and I had.
  19. It was Chad Pipkins last year who did this. Golf does this with the U.S. Open. That's why they're called Opens. They're open to anybody. You have to qualify and it's extremely tough considering you're up against pros but it can be done.
  20. What do you think is the reason for the lack of support and turnout? I still scratch my head when I hear you and others say it isn't supported out west. Is it anglers as well or mainly communities and spectators? What do you think is the reason for the lack of support and turnout? I still scratch my head when I hear you and others say it isn't supported out west. Is it anglers as well or mainly communities and spectators?
  21. No I haven't. You could travel for a good deal couldn't you?
  22. I think you can get away with the Helix 10 DI unit g2n of course
  23. Greenville. NE of Grand Rapids
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